Washington DC power failures

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Deepak Jain said:

I'm sure exploding manholes and the unpredictable outages are so much better
for business.

Aren't the explosions supposed to be drastically reduced during the
fall/winter season?


Deepak Jain

From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of
David Lesher
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 4:19 PM
To: nanog list
Subject: Re: Washington DC power failures

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Sean Donelan said:
> Washington DC power company PEPCO had more underground
> fires at 17th and M streets NW. This has affected
> some circuits out of carriers with facilities on
> 1200 block of L street.

Note that PEPCO has just started a major rebuild of the much
damned system in Georgetown. It's supposed to take teraseconds to
complete since the local merchants:

  Don't want any outages

  Don't want any street construction
  during the business day

  Don't want any noise or dirt...

Not really. Freeze|thaw cycle and conductive salty road drainage
are likely a good part of the picture.