WANTED: ISPs with DDoS defense solutions

However, since improvements are always welcome, please recommend tools
which would allow us to progress "above and beyond" C and it's deficencies.

I've never been able to program a buffer overrun vulnerability in Modula 3,
or Perl, or any version of Lisp or Scheme. It's possible that the physics
has advanced enough that "low level programming" now costs more than it saves.

On the other hand, compiled C is still significantly faster than, say,
Perl or Java. That may not be important for some apps, but when
you're pushing hardware to its very limits (you know, the most
important stuff on the Net, like playing games and serving porn) you
can really feel it. And if there's a security hole or exploitable bug
in Perl or Java itself, it exists in every program written with it.

There's nothing wrong with low level languages, and with the proper
libraries, they gain some of the advantages of high level languages.
Personally, it'll be a long time before I'm convinced that I want my
routers running Java. (Like how I brought that almost back on topic
in the end, there?)

There's nothing wrong with low level languages, and with the proper
libraries, they gain some of the advantages of high level languages.
Personally, it'll be a long time before I'm convinced that I want my
routers running Java. (Like how I brought that almost back on topic
in the end, there?)

However, I would like to see Java or Other Language to run on the routers,
(I know you can install and play Quake on one vendor�s boxes) but I mean
to do things really belonging to the router but so far I have yet to see a vendor
to take programmable boxen (outside their own development) seriously.

Maybe it�s just too hard.


or your ATM switch running windowsNT ? Wait, that already happened, damn!