vrf resources?

Hello all.

I was recently handed a piece of a network that used VRF to implement
vlans. I'm by no means a vrf expert, but the config looks right to me.

The problem I'm having is that traffic destined for IP addresses within
the VRF Vlan from interfaces not within the VRF vlan (they don't have "ip
vrf forwarding" statements in their interface configurations) which of
course breaks the whole concept of a private routing table.

I've done extensive searching of Cisco's website and have found no mention
of this problem, or it's avoidance when setting up a vrf vlan. Lacking a
valid service contract, I cannot open a ticket, so any insight is greatly


Revised for clarity (I blame the 100.6 fever)

The problem I'm having is that traffic destined for IP addresses within
the VRF Vlan from interfaces not within the VRF vlan (they don't have "ip
vrf forwarding" statements in their interface configurations) which of
course breaks the whole concept of a private routing table.


Traffic entering the router on an interface not bound to the VRF, but with
a destination IP within the VRF is forwarded like it entered a bound
interface, instead of being send to the default route.

My apologizes for not actually finishing my thought the first time
around :slight_smile: