VPOP/Equipment rental contacts for any DC of IX.br / PTT.br Fortaleza

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone know whom could help me get a conversion done from STM-1 to Ethernet at any DC which has a IX.br <http://ix.br/> presence in Fortaleza?

Please contact me off-list, thanks!

(yes I already tried ix.br <http://ix.br/> contacts, no joy)

Kind regards,

Eric Loos

If you think the DC itself will be able to help, the contacts for DCs in
IX.br @ Fortaleza are:

Of the listed DCs, Eletronet is the more likely to have STM-1 gear, since
they used STM-n in their fiber ring for a long time.

Globenet connection to IX.br is still under construction, so they are not
listed above; US@globenet.net is their US office e-mail address.

I'll send privately the contact of a local Fortaleza network consultant.
