VoIP QOS best practices

Thus spake "Ray Burkholder" <ray@oneunified.net>

QoS is important on T1 circuits and makes voice higher priority.

QOS is a much broader subject than just giving voice priority treatment.

Voice can even be done on sub T1 circuits with excellent results.

Indeed. I've unfortunately had many instances where a company runs 5+ VoIP
calls -- in addition to data traffic -- over a 64k circuit with the line
staying at 95-100% capacity 24x7. It's not easy, but it's doable.


Indeed. I've unfortunately had many instances where a company runs 5+ VoIP
calls -- in addition to data traffic -- over a 64k circuit with the line
staying at 95-100% capacity 24x7. It's not easy, but it's doable.

We're not running VoIP, but we did run an OC3 at 100% 24x7 for 6 months and,
with custom queuing and some clever traffic shaping, no one noticed.

Eric :slight_smile: