Voip encryption

Hi - I have a PCIDSs requirement to encrypt VoIP over a 3rd party VPLS
network. Has anyone dealt with this. I'd really not use VPN's over the VPLS
so am looking at hardware WAN encrypters.

Any guidance appreciated.



SafeNet and Thales sell L2 WAN encryptors for sure.
There is AEP and SINA which also do hardware WAN encryption, but I do not
know if they do Layer2.


Hi - I have a PCIDSs requirement to encrypt VoIP over a 3rd party VPLS
network. Has anyone dealt with this. I'd really not use VPN's over the VPLS
so am looking at hardware WAN encrypters.

wait, you don't want to do some VPN thing over the VPLS network links,
but you think that hardware wan encrypters are going to work on the
VPLS links? Did you plan on installing one of these devices at the
carrier facility? and at all the other possible hops along the way?

or were you hoping that the encrypter would not muddle with the L2
payload, but leave the L2 headers intact?

Hi Simon,

My understanding is that since your 3rd party VPLS instance is a private
³MPLS² network, there is no requirement for application-level encryption.
However if you wanted to encrypt VOIP that carries credit card data, some
PBX/handsets offer application-level media encryption if that¹s the
problem you want to solve to minimize your PCI scope.



Lost the original post, but why not SIP+TLS & SRTP?
