Visualware/Speedtest self-hosting alternatives

Are there any turn key solutions out there like Visualware's MCS which you can install in a datacenter and let customers check overall throughput/latency and other metrics from their locations to the datacenter?


Durga Dash wrote:

Are there any turn key solutions out there like Visualware's MCS which you can install in a datacenter and let customers check overall throughput/latency and other metrics from their locations to the datacenter?

Didn't you just answer your own question? (Visualware MCS).

Of course if all you're interested in is throughput and latency, there's ping, traceroute, mtr, iperf, etc. - all of which let customers check performance without needing anything special at the datacenter, other than a host to ping against.

Miles Fidelman


I think does what you're looking for and more.

Hi, we have used Visualware MCS for in-depth analysis of network impairments, and Ookla's NetGauge for customer facing speed tests up to Gigabit speeds.
