

I have been searching our beloved internet endlessly for months on information regarding Visio technique. Does anyone have a good resource(s) for advanced visio drawings, or more to the point a good place for high quality connectors? There is some great quality work out there, this is something I found just a little while ago

This may not be a visio drawing (do not have any background on it), but I would really dig some resources that you guys out there may or may not use. The cables in that drawing look fantastic to me, so I would really appreciate any guidance you all have in helping me improve my output.



I've seen a lot of .vsd and drawn a few, and that looks like a
professional artist and graphics program like Illustrator, not Visio.
They might have poached some visio generic system images, but those
could be hand-done too.

If Visio can do twisted, curved cables like that, it's a feature I've
never seen before in it...

My company has a Visio whiz, who I'm going to ping for his opinion on
that, but I am guessing it's a no.

Our Visio guy's opinion concurred with mine; it's custom drawing, not
off-the-shelf capability, and would most likely have been in a
graphics program (though he thinks it might have been possible with
Visio, it would have been much easier in for example Illustrator).

Check SmartDraw.

I've seen smart draw. I wish these drawing software companies would port their application over to mac.. Every big design guy I know is a mac fanboy, Adobe has it figured out but smart draw and visio have no excuse. Omni is about the only thing out there, but it is hell to use in my opinion. :slight_smile:

Le 25/02/2013 23:06, Josh Baird a �crit :

Check SmartDraw.

pstricks, metapost, TikZ (pgf),...


Le 25/02/2013 23:15, Warren Bailey a �crit :

I've seen smart draw. I wish these drawing software companies would port their application over to mac.. Every big design guy I know is a mac fanboy, Adobe has it figured out but smart draw and visio have no excuse. Omni is about the only thing out there, but it is hell to use in my opinion. :slight_smile:

Hell is quite structured in the TeX related list I just proposed. :slight_smile:


I concur. Visio is not particularly good at (what appear to be) freehand shapes.

jm'probably the closest thing to "the Visio guy" at my workplace's


I have been searching our beloved internet endlessly for months on information regarding Visio technique. Does anyone have a good resource(s) for advanced visio drawings, or more to the point a good place for high quality connectors? There is some great quality work out there, this is something I found just a little while ago

This may not be a visio drawing (do not have any background on it), but I would really dig some resources that you guys out there may or may not use. The cables in that drawing look fantastic to me, so I would really appreciate any guidance you all have in helping me improve my output.

I'd just quit beating the rotting carcass of Visio into producing anything
not appalling and go with OmniGraffle instead.

other tool idea:
graphviz could be used to generate braincandy, but not eyecandy (most
graphics generated by graphviz are awesome, but ugly).

also this was cool:

I purchased omni, but it is pretty difficult to get the hang of.. :confused: