Virus's do not wait for elections :)

Hey folks, just saw this info on UK Gov's ITSafe site

Call me old fashioned if you want but this seems crazy, If you ask me
election time is a time where Gov computers and home computers should be
protected more especially if E-Voting was to happen. Duh, we wont publish
because cabinet office guidelines say we should change the advice and
mention a 45 minute internet meltdown :slight_smile:

Colin Johnston

Hey folks, just saw this info on UK Gov's ITSafe site

Call me old fashioned if you want

Get with the modern way Colin :wink:

but this seems crazy, If you ask me
election time is a time where Gov computers and home computers should be
protected more especially if E-Voting was to happen. Duh, we wont publish
because cabinet office guidelines say we should change the advice and
mention a 45 minute internet meltdown :slight_smile:

Page 22, Section 6 b) of the regulations cited, mention "There would normally
be no objection to issuing routine factual publications, for example,
guidance to people working in ....."

One can only presume that IT security is such a politically sensitive issue
that this publication needed suppressing as a special case.

Funny I don't remember anyone candidates even mentioning IT security. There
was some mention that Blair can't tell a computer from a pizza box, but then
these days that isn't always easy. Perhaps it was all about chatting with
Bill Gates, or Peter's yacht dwelling friends.

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