virginia beach

hey there,

we’ve put together a blog post about Virginia beach developments and how it can reshape some of the ways we have been designing our networks.

I would love to hear some feedback about this, feel free to contact me offlist.


hey there,
we've put together a blog post about Virginia beach developments and how it can reshape some of the ways we
have been designing our networks.
The world’s largest network and datacenter infrastructure atlas

Ex-757'er (757 = Virginia Beach.)

Dead area tech wise. Bad job prospects led the geeks to flee the area. Small lights out data centers to support a few undersea cables aren't going to change that. Those cables landing in VaBeach will have their traffic hauled to Northern Virginia -- where all the action is. It will do little to benefit the locals once the build out is done.

            - Ethan O'Toole

What about diversity from Ashburn?

Seems logically similar to the reason why there are landing stations, but no noteworthy datacenters on the Oregon coast. Everything goes in various ring topology paths to Hillsboro/Portland. And routes that go more directly east to meet the fiber huts on long haul routes Portland-Sacramento.

What about diversity from Ashburn?

I believe Loudon County (the county that Ashburn VA is in) has reeled in future datacenter construction, and future datacenters will happen in nearby Manassas and othere cities.

I've heard that some of the major data center companies already have property in other areas West of Ashburn that are 2 hours or less travelling by land. Less natural disaster risk. Virginia Beach has hurricanes and is already pretty built out. Not sure how cheap the power is, but most companies there are more interested in feeding off the large Military presence.

There recently was a colo that was co-funded by the government down there that collapsed financially. It was targeted towards Bitcoin, of course.

                          - Ethan O'Toole

Nowadays, it's quite common for submarine cables (especially private
ones) to want to end in a popular data centre in town, rather than end
at a CLS.


Remember that a CLS serves 2 purposes simultaneously.

  1. Convert the wet plant to dry plant and provide 11kv power for ILAs.
  2. Act as an OTN node and CO to distribute connectivity into the Territory/Nation.

Historically, you put a CLS on the beach itself, and it’s somewhat remote.

Then you backhaul to a dozen COs/CNDCs.

Nowadays however, the CLS is looked at more like an ILA shelter, or when feasible cable landings are going directly into metro CNDCs as the physical gear is getting smaller and smaller and more suitable for colocation.

There’s still the small matter of 11,000volts of power or more… That’s usually kept out towards the sea.

Nowadays however, the CLS is looked at more like an ILA shelter, or
when feasible cable landings are going directly into metro CNDCs as
the physical gear is getting smaller and smaller and more suitable for

Nowadays, the SLTE sits in a proper data centre.

There’s still the small matter of 11,000volts of power or more…
That’s usually kept out towards the sea.

Yes, PFE's will generally live at the CLS.


is there any limitation of where an SLTE can be placed in terms of distance from PFE?

I have looked in to usual palaces and i was unable to confirm there is any requirements for any distance. Any cons can you guys think of that you want to share would be appreciated.

here are places I have looked at

thank you

1 more repeater usually buys you 100km these days and thats negligible in terms of wet plant repeater count, and entire countries in some cases on dry land.

So ‘no’, broadly.


If the SLTE and PFE are not going to be co-located next to each other, the 2 main considerations are:

  • The Management signal between the SLTE and the PFE, which is generally ran over copper. So 100m becomes the distance limit. However, you can mitigate this by doing media conversion between optical and copper. Also, it’s quite possible that modern PFE’s and SLTE’s can run Management traffic over optical signals. One would have to check with the vendors.

  • The SLTE Launch Tx power into the wet plant toward the 1st repeater. You’d have to design this for every specific case; whether you want to co-locate the SLTE and PFE, or if you want to separate them. This is critical so that all payload channels are correctly balanced.


Thank you

I know SLTE can be further than 100m


Even if the PFE and SLTE are side-by-side inside a room at the CLS, the physical connection between them typically happens inside the BMH (beach manhole).

So provided you can run the Management traffic between the SLTE and PFE optically, you can separate both devices as far as your optics can carry the full channel payload toward the wet plant. That could be anywhere between 80km - 120km, depending on your optics and Tx launch power requirements.
