"Vint Cerf Says Symmetry is Beautiful"

Interesting comments made by Vint Cerf at Wednesday evenings
"Freedom to Connect" dinner on his thoughts concerning
where the Internet should go in the future, push/pull
symmetry (or, "why legacy providers do not want to offer
true, symmetric broadband"), et.al:

Cerf Says Symmetry is Beautiful

- ferg

Cerf Says Symmetry is Beautiful

Of course, from a technical point of view I am all for symmetrical connections as well.

From a commercial perspective I think that it's hard to recouperate cost

from a 10 meg symmetrical connection when the customer is running p2p and is using most of that bw 24/7 and is only paying $40 or so for that pleasure. Yes, one can degrade that customers performance by ratelimiting or such, or prioritizing other customers traffic or something else, but the 90/10 rule saves some of it, the problem is when the 90% start doing the same, then the flat rate business model is a problem and does not scale.

Where does 95th percentile fit into this?

> Cerf Says Symmetry is Beautiful

Of course, from a technical point of view I am all for symmetrical
connections as well.

From a commercial perspective I think that it's hard to recouperate cost
from a 10 meg symmetrical connection when the customer is running p2p and
is using most of that bw 24/7 and is only paying $40 or so for that

i think the right rule is, "if you can't make money from it, don't sell it."