Vienna, VA (DC, MAE-EAST) Fiber Cut Pictures

Sean Donelan writes:

Nice pictures. A curiosity question. I couldn't tell from the
pictures. Did you notice if anyone had marked the other fiber
in the area, e.g. tiny orange flags or orange paint on the ground?


I just took a quick walk around the building (I work in 8100 Boone)
and there is definitely fresh paint in the vicinity of where they
were digging yesterday. Of course, without more information, I
can't tell you whether or not ALL of the fiber in the area was
clearly marked. Someone from MFS who is more familiar with what
fiber is laid where may be able to confirm or deny.

For the record, we had a crew out there digging in roughly the same
area about a month ago, on a significantly larger excavation (all the
way down Boone, from Gallows to Aline). They managed not to damage
anything. You do the math. :slight_smile:


This is beginning to get off topic, but nonetheless....

Could someone knowledgeabe explain what the equipment in is?

Is this some kind of a bore, and could it have caused the cut? Because
if yes, then it is very probable that it will happen again soon - I
think I saw about 5 of these machines all around here.

Is there any official info on this cut, and does anyone know who is
paying for the work in the abovementioned picture and what it is for?


Jeff Aitken wrote:

Could someone knowledgeabe explain what the equipment in is?

Is this some kind of a bore, and could it have caused the cut? Because
if yes, then it is very probable that it will happen again soon - I
think I saw about 5 of these machines all around here.

They are directional boaring machines.. they allow the people installing
the conduit to not have to dig things up (other than the start point and
stop point (if they are lucky)) there are quite a few diffrent types of
boaring techniques but they are basicly like earthworms..

They can cause lots of neat damage to things and even good operators will
hit something every once in a while.