Verizon wireless to stop issuing static IPv4

Thought the list would find this interesting. Just received an email from VZ wireless that they’re going to stop selling static IPv4 for wireless subscribers in June. That should make for some interesting support calls on the broadband/fios side; one half of the company is forcing ipv6, the other can’t provide it. At least now we have a big name forcing the issue though.


Here’s complete text:

On June 30, 2017, Verizon will stop issuing new Public Static IPv4 addresses due to a shortage of available addresses. Customers that currently have active Public Static IPv4 addresses will retain those addresses, and Verizon will continue to fully support existing Public Static IPv4 addresses. In order to reserve new IP addresses, your company will need to convert to the Persistent Prefix IPv6 requirements and implement new Verizon-certified IPv6 devices.

Why should you make the move to Persistent Prefix IPv6?

Unlike IPv4, which is limited to a 32-bit prefix, Persistent Prefix IPv6 has 128-bit addressing scheme, which aligns to current international agreements and standards.

Persistent Prefix IPv6 will provide the device with an IP address unique to that device that will remain with that device until the address is relinquished by the user (i.e., when the user moves the device off the Verizon Wireless network).

IPv4-only devices are not compatible with Persistent Prefix IPv6 addresses.

It would have been nice if Verizon had starting issuing IPv6 while still issuing IPv4 for an easy transition. The current situation is that you can't get static IPv6 at all. I have been bugging them about this for many years.


I'm assuming no consideration for using RFC-6598 addresses (
and performing CGN as a bridge, perhaps via LW4o6

You said the e-mail was from VZ wireless but the e-mail text says Verizon. Is it really all of Verizon, VZ Wireless, home, business or some combination?

My customer got the email and the only service they have is wireless. Also notice the email address.

You said the e-mail was from VZ wireless but the e-mail text says Verizon. Is it really all of Verizon, VZ Wireless, home, business or some combination?

Seems to me that the only people who get static, wireless, IP addresses are people who put sensors on vehicles and IoT applications. Who gets a static IP for a phone? This might cause some serious heartburn for my previous employer - who built CAD systems for transit buses.

Miles Fidelman

on the bright side they can just get fios or dsl (depending on location) ..
you know you can still get v4 there, and won't even have to worry about
that pesky new fangled ipv6 .

The economics of this is very interesting.

Normally, with scarcity, i would expect price to go up. VZW is running low
on ipv4 addresses, so they raise prices to stem demand. They acquire ipv4
on the secondary market and pass cost along with mark up to customers ....

But -- vzw knows if they raise prices customers will just go elsewhere.
Also, their growth model simply may show that there is no way to meet
demand with ipv4, ipv4 is fundamentally holding back iot growth, so they
need to pivot / move to ipv6 to unchain the growth.

Seems smart. The runway for ipv4 is too short for iot growth. Forcing the
hand to scalable ipv6 now will pay dividends and prevent investment in
unscalable ipv4 solutions

FIOS for a transit bus?

it seems as likely to be true as ipv6 on fios, yes.

With how much memory and processing power any modern
internet-connected device has, plus the ever ubiquitous cloud, I don't
understand why IoT, especially non-consumer-grade IoT, should have any
need for public IPv4 addresses.

Even if you have a very legacy app, and IPsec is too complex for your
needs, doing an SSH session with OpenSSH and its port forwarding
feature is just too simple to pass up.

I mean, come on, if malware vendors have no need for public IP
addresses to take control of your IoT and perform C&C, you're clearly
doing something wrong if your own shit doesn't work without it.


Verizon Wireless has been pushing their clients away from static IPv4 for some time. I inquired last year about getting one for a specific project and was told it would be a large upfront cost, limited to certain accounts and required justification.

I imagine in the years coming this will become the norm for carriers.