Verizon Public Policy on Netflix

It's a well known regional Internet exchange point in a building which I believe is owned by Level3. It also has huge amounts of fiber cross-connecting it to 910 15th Street, a block from the Denver Convention Center, so that a presence at one is essentially equivalent to a presence at the other. But Netflix does not have a presence at either one.

--Brett Glass

It's a well known regional Internet exchange point in a building
which I believe is owned by Level3. It also has huge amounts of
fiber cross-connecting it to 910 15th Street, a block from the
Denver Convention Center, so that a presence at one is essentially
equivalent to a presence at the other.

how much traffic, how much is eyeball, and who has volunteered to give
netflix cheap transit to stuff the ache?


We've never been asked to POP that location. If I can, I will, just as my
team has POPed 15+ other locations this year alone.

Brett doesn't seem interested in finding a solution. He's sent dozens of
harassing emails demanding payment and nothing else. I've offered to speak
to him directly but he hasn't responded, so I have to imagine he's just
here for the attention.


We've never been asked to POP that location.

what location? i gobbled and found the rocky mtn ix, but it seems to be
in coresite and defunct. there is some "any2" exchange claiming to be
the second largest on the left coast, which is a crock.

is there actually a significant local exchange in the denver area, and
not some marketing department with an mpls tunnel? i am having a hard
time finding it, web site, traffic, ts&cs, ... you know, like
<;, the dinky 250g one up in seattle to which
i am used.

Brett doesn't seem interested in finding a solution.

welcome to nanog. the list is a test of one's ability to find the
substance amidst the flack, this oft-repeated discussion being notable.
i wonder what we get if we pass the test.



  As best as I've been able to find:

  LARIAT is reportedly connected to:

  and Netflix appears to be in:

  Beyond that, I have no idea -- this is the 350-mile view.


> We've never been asked to POP that location.

what location? i gobbled and found the rocky mtn ix, but it seems to be
in coresite and defunct. there is some "any2" exchange claiming to be
the second largest on the left coast, which is a crock.

is there actually a significant local exchange in the denver area, and
not some marketing department with an mpls tunnel? i am having a hard
time finding it, web site, traffic, ts&cs, ... you know, like
<;, the dinky 250g one up in seattle to which
i am used.

It's now called "Any2 Denver":

We're on it, and it's finally doing enough traffic
to warrant a 10G port now. But you're right,
it's nowhere in the same league as its bigger

Annoyingly enough, I can't find a street
address for it anywhere among their literature. :frowning:

> Brett doesn't seem interested in finding a solution.

welcome to nanog. the list is a test of one's ability to find the
substance amidst the flack, this oft-repeated discussion being notable.
i wonder what we get if we pass the test.

Awww...I got a rock. :frowning:


(with apologies to Charles Schultz)

It's in a closet in the basement of a parking garage.

-- jra

We inquired about space & power in the location that Brett mentions
(Level3) as well as the Coresite location. We were told there was no power
to be had in either building, hence we went for the third option. We have
transport options available back to both should we need it.

That said, that shows what a messed up market Denver is - there is
definitely pent up demand but if Netflix can't even get space and power
there's clearly none left. For years we were promised that Coresite was
building a giant new campus, but they seem to have all but abandoned it.



  Thank you for clarifying what seemed, at a distance, to be a rather strange decision. That assessment also explains away some routing oddities I've observed over the years.


I assume that there's a leopard involved there somewhere?

- Matt

It's noodling around in the disused lavatory with Moaning Myrtle.

And a DELNI.