Verizon COs affected by WTC damage?

Verizon has/had a CO (NYCMNYST) in the South Tower of the Trade Center.
I would guess this is now destroyed. Does anyone know where exactly in
the tower or complex the CO was? They also had sales/administrative
offices there on a couple of floors there.

Covad is reporting that the West Street CO, near the WTC (NYCMNYWS, 140
West Street) currently has services affected due to a fire in the
building. Has anyone else heard about a fire there?

Our switch in New York has seen a complete loss of trunking to the WTC CO.
Earlier in the day individual T1s were down in a spotty manner between us
and that CO (peppered across the OC48), but now even the SONET ring has
dropped. The CO was either in that building or adjacent to it I am told by
our techs in NYC.

We are now seeing overload on other trunks to the Verizon tandems.


I just received this from one of the CLECs we use in NYC:

"It seems that a Verizon Building in NYC has collapsed amid the wake of problems surrounding the WTC. As of right now the damage is not fully assessed, please bear with us and Verizon at this time, there is not much many can do amid this crisis."

I hope all their people and the firefighters made it out ok.


Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -George Eliot

Ok, we run a small network, but since this morning, the amount of
non-port-80 (CodeRed and Ilk) scans and probes and smurf attempts
have gone through the roof... no-holds barred scanning (not subtle
probing) from Tiawan, India and US (Cable/DSL mostly) IP's.

Are other seeing it as well? --mike--

Verizon has/had a CO (NYCMNYST) in the South Tower of the Trade
Center. I would guess this is now destroyed. Does anyone know where
exactly in the tower or complex the CO was? They also had
sales/administrative offices there on a couple of floors there.

This may correlate with CNN reports of top-level execs from an nsp being
killed in the WTC collapse...

Covad is reporting that the West Street CO, near the WTC (NYCMNYWS,
140 West Street) currently has services affected due to a fire in the
building. Has anyone else heard about a fire there?


Same thing here, 15 fold increase this morning (by the IDS), and we're an
even smaller network. Also seeing a lot more Sircam email. Don't know if
its a social issue (more stupid users are leaving their PC's on) or
engineered in. Going to be another fun day ...