Verizon Business - LTE?

Does anyone know if Verizon Business is using the Verizon Wireless LTE
network to deliver service?



Who else would they use? I would presume they are eating their own dog
food. If not, that's very sad. :slight_smile:

Well they are two completely separate companies . I would think that the
LTE network would be a good replacement for DS1 type services.

Copper and fiber is my guess. :sunglasses:

Well they are two completely separate companies . I would think that the
LTE network would be a good replacement for DS1 type services.

My guess is no.

Yes, I bet vzw buys from vzb, but not the other way round. Whatever you call
the vz LEC does not want to give 40 some cents on the dollar to Vodafone ...
the other part of the vzw ownership.

Not to mention that LTE is an IP service and ds1 is tdm...


From: Charles N Wyble []
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: Verizon Business - LTE?

> Does anyone know if Verizon Business is using the Verizon Wireless LTE
> network to deliver service?

Who else would they use? I would presume they are eating their own dog


I was hoping to use LTE for a large number of sites we are about to roll out
instead of DS1s. But looks like we will go down the TDM route.



I'm in princeton, nj and I recently moved into a new place and had no
internet for about a week and had my router in client mode grabbing hotspot
bit jumpy but my speeds overall were better than the neighbors comcast :slight_smile: I
also pulled down about 150gb over that week and each day I was waiting for
verizon to pull the plug but it never happened. Speeds were consistently
around 20/10.

I looked around but couldnt find any reasonably cheap 4G interface cards for
any of the major router vendors otherwise I might have actually considered
it as my home needs are pretty basic.


I have been very happy with the preference of the VZW network. Both 3G and
4G. The issue we have is that they have a 5GB cap. We have tested both the
3G and 4G HWIC for cisco and have been very happy with the hardware.



What plan are you using? My htc thunderbolt has unlimited 4g on the phone
and for my hotspot so I'd imagine there is something similar for standalone


Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile have all dropped their unlimited plans. If you're on one now, you're grandfathered in, but they are no longer orderable. Sprint is the only major carrier left with unlimited data you can order. If you want purely data only, also has unlimited plans, but only within their area.

The next closest thing is U.S. Cellular, if you're in their area. They have a 5GB cap, with $0.25/MB overage, but the overage(even when roaming) is capped at $200/mo. If you really want to use it as unlimited, you can basically treat it as an unlimited connection for ~$250/mo.

We are looking to use the Cisco 3G/4G card We can pick them up
for about $250 for the 3G and $350 for the 4G.

I have used 3G in the past as a backup for some sites and I was pretty
impressed with the performance and the ease of configuring it in ios


The two problems I have with Clear is that it does not work well indoors
(major problem for air ports) and that they will not route my IP block over
there network.


Clear is an absolutely horrible ISP.
It is quite common for it to go in and out and their modems overheat.

I was hoping to use LTE for a large number of sites we are about to roll out instead of DS1s. But looks like we will go down the TDM route.

Why is that?

I ran a nationwide network of digital signage systems with about 500 of them being 3g (mix of Sprint and Verizon). Worked really well, except for the PRL updates. For some reason the AT command set to do the update didn't work. Never did get that figured out (was pulled off that project to come up with a way to convert the systems from Fedora to Debian without rolling a tech. I did get that project done. It was awesome). Now that startup is pretty much defunct. Hmmm... that's an idea for another thread (management of boxes that aren't in a colo).

I'm in princeton, nj and I recently moved into a new place and had no
internet for about a week and had my router in client mode grabbing hotspot
from my phone and it worked surprisingly well. Of course latency can be a
bit jumpy but my speeds overall were better than the neighbors comcast :slight_smile: I
also pulled down about 150gb over that week and each day I was waiting for
verizon to pull the plug but it never happened. Speeds were consistently
around 20/10.


I looked around but couldnt find any reasonably cheap 4G interface cards for
any of the major router vendors otherwise I might have actually considered
it as my home needs are pretty basic.

Cradlepoint. Yeah it's another box, but it's really nice. Just set it to bridge mode, run a 3" ethernet cable to the cisco WAN port and you are all set.

The two problems I have with Clear is that it does not work well indoors

Oh? The dongle you mean? Yes. The dongle is complete garbage. The Motorolla CPE has been top notch. Tried it various places in my apartment (near window, not near window). Key element for good performance is 0 blockage of the antenna. Though even with a dell desktop in front of it, the performance was decent.

(major problem for air ports) and that they will not route my IP block over
there network.

That's annoying.

Clear is an absolutely horrible ISP.

I've heard people say that. I've used them heavily in Los Angeles and Austin for over a year (almost two now actually). Never had a problem.

It is quite common for it to go in and out

Probably in fringe cover areas.

and their modems overheat.

Never been a problem for me. Which modems (they have a few brands of CPE they are shipping).

Details! :slight_smile:

With the dongle but installed in a cradlepoint with a high gain antenna

b/c of coverage issues.
