Verisign insanity - Distributed non-attack


Improve your hits -
Point the IP to your company webserver
or add an A record to your local DNS servers to resolve to your site

If you want to help your peers to rid their networks of verisign, why not
announce the IP via BGP anycast ;p

I do like the idea of inundating their systems, my only gripe is that I
see their server on my transits, which even if I leave things as is I
assume verisign wont be paying for the extra bandwidth that they now cause
ISPs across the world to use...


Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:


Improve your hits - Point the IP to your company webserver
or add an A record to your local DNS servers to resolve to your site

Or just expand your traffic-magnet by changing the A-records for,, etc...

(or do similar effects with /32 routes)
