verio arrogance

In the referenced message, Ralph Doncaster said:

> That said, their current policy of refusing to accept de-aggregated
> prefixes from peers (while accepting such from paying customers) makes
> perfect sense, IMHO. Not arrogant, just a smart & reasonable business
> decision.

I have one downstream ISP customer that explicitly asked for "full BGP
routes" to be written into the contract. Why Verio's customer's wouldn't
want full routes makes no business sense to me.

However a NANOG list subscriber was kind enough to help me get past
Verio's NOC monkeys and get their filters updated to allow my


Accepting any route from anyone doesn't make much business sense to
me. At least if you are interested in a quality network. If you'ld
like, I'm sure multiple ISPs would be happy to send you all of their

Verio's policy seems like a very responsible way to run a network.
I'm saddened that more folks don't do filtering based upon RiR policy.

Not announcing your largest aggregates is just plain stupid. If your
peers are willing to accept more-specifics tagged no-export, with MEDs,
then go for it, but the rest of us don't need them.

I'm a little disappointed in Verio, if they really did decide to accept
your unneccessarily deaggregated prefixes.

I'm a little disappointed in Verio, if they really did decide to accept
your unneccessarily deaggregated prefixes.

I'm a little disappointed you're wasting list bandwidth after this has
been well discussed, and not a single post has offered a better
technical alternative to de-aggregating my ARIN /20 (given my network
