v6 & DSL / Cable modems [was: Private use of non-RFC1918 IP space (IPv6-MW)]

Assign the prefixes using PD and use aggregate routes out side of the pop.
IPv6 nodes are designed to be renumbered. Use the technology. Stop thinking
IPv4 and start thinking IPv6. IPv6 is not just IPv4 with bigger addresses.


Mark Andrews wrote:

Assign the prefixes using PD and use aggregate routes out side of the pop.
IPv6 nodes are designed to be renumbered. Use the technology. Stop thinking
IPv4 and start thinking IPv6. IPv6 is not just IPv4 with bigger addresses.

Currently with v4 I have one (majority) of customers where they have dynamic addresses. For those I'm happy to use PD - but my point was that people are starting to assume that v6 WILL mean static allocations for all customers. This is my fear, is NOT being able to use PD for the "residential grade" customers. Having to provide static allocations is a problem if I have multiple POPs in a geographic region as I can't summarise and get the redundancy I want.

(If I commit to a customer they have a static range then I can't easily change it on them - esp if they've done things like used the addresses statically in DNS etc as our customers are want to do).

Has anyone out there actually done an implentation, across DSL of PD? If you have PLEASE let me know on list/off list/by dead letter drop in a park. Especially interested in CPE etc.


Matthew Moyle-Croft wrote:

Currently with v4 I have one (majority) of customers where they have dynamic addresses. For those I'm happy to use PD - but my point was that people are starting to assume that v6 WILL mean static allocations for all customers. This is my fear, is NOT being able to use PD for the "residential grade" customers. Having to provide static allocations is a problem if I have multiple POPs in a geographic region as I can't summarise and get the redundancy I want.

Summary of IPv6 is easy enough, and you'll probably assign at least two /48 networks to a pop, one for infrastructure and one for PD. I'm sure there will be more.

(If I commit to a customer they have a static range then I can't easily change it on them - esp if they've done things like used the addresses statically in DNS etc as our customers are want to do).

There is a difference between static assignments to an interface for technical reasons and giving a customer a "static". Even if the customer technically has a static address, you are still allowed to change it so long as you are not giving him a static address. It's just a long term dynamic prefix. Renumbering IPv6 is a cake walk compared to IPv4, as it is somewhat more friendly to existing connections than IPv4 (if using stateless autoconfig).

Has anyone out there actually done an implentation, across DSL of PD? If you have PLEASE let me know on list/off list/by dead letter drop in a park. Especially interested in CPE etc.

Cable is much further along on CPE than most home routers. Outside of the Apple Airport, I think there's only a handful of CPE home routers with v6 capabilities.

Here's someone's experience with a real home v6 implementation from ISP side to home router. http://geekmerc.livejournal.com/699.html


I've tested this years ago and it works just fine. Of course the Cisco that could do PD and the Cisco that could do v6 over ADSL were two different boxes and even one of them costs 5 - 10 x what a regular user is prepared to spend on their ADSL modem while the cheap boxes don't do v6 yet and there's tons of details to be worked out before you can buy a random cable/DSL modem and connect it to a random ISP and expect it two work. The protocols are there, we just need to agree on how to use them.