UUNET Pulling Peering Agreements & replacing them withcharging under non-disclosure?

I'm picturing a kind of "UUNET Disconnects from Internet" type of headline.
This NDA thing has got me shut down. John Sidgemore won't talk to me.
Ok, let's go public. What do you guys know? As usual in Boardwatch, we'll
all pretend I had a dream last night and made it all up. I don't know what
I'm talking about, yata yata yata.... e-mail privately. I hallucinated it
as always...

Jack Rickard

Jack Rickard 8500 West Bowles Ave, Ste 210
Editor/Publisher Littleton, CO 80123
Boardwatch Magazine (303)973-6038 voice
http://www.boardwatch.com (303)973-3731 fax