Utah governor signs Net-porn bill

--- William Allen Simpson <wsimpson@greendragon.com>

I'm assuming that you really operate an ISP in Utah.
And that you are
willing to spend some time in jail at various times,
have $10,000 or so
for bail, and a few $100,000 for attorney fees --
none of which you'll
get back even should you win.

wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to simply get a
lawyer and an engineer in the same room and brainstorm
until you came up with something which
pretty-much-worked(tm) and was at least arguably
compliant with the law? There have been a couple of
ideas bandied about on this list which are arguably
compliant and technically simple.

I've spent time in jail on principle. I'm glad to
see others are still
willing to stand up and be counted!

This isn't a principle for which I'd gladly go to
jail. All I'm saying is that it isn't the
doom&gloom you're portraying - Utah politicians being
difficult doesn't mean the end of free speech forever.
Why not wait and see what happens?

-David Barak
need Geek-rock? Try The Franchise!

David Barak wrote:

wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to simply get a
lawyer and an engineer in the same room and brainstorm
until you came up with something which
pretty-much-worked(tm) and was at least arguably
compliant with the law? There have been a couple of
ideas bandied about on this list which are arguably
compliant and technically simple.

Why would any person in their right mind comply with an
unconstitutional law?

This isn't a principle for which I'd gladly go to
jail. All I'm saying is that it isn't the
doom&gloom you're portraying - Utah politicians being
difficult doesn't mean the end of free speech forever.
Why not wait and see what happens?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke