Utah governor signs Net-porn bill

Oki all,

Over the holidays I had the opportunity to pick up some pin money experting
for a case involving just this business model and the media ignored sides of
some rather well-known persons who work the church markets in the US.

> that's EASY: there is hyperconcern for the welfare of
> children in Utah,

Finally, someone who recognizes what this bill is
all about. It merely asks ISPs to provide parents
with a filtering tool that cannot be overridden by
their children because the process of filtering takes
place entirely outside the home.

In the instance of policy and mechanism I reviewed, this was "deinstall AOL
and all others, install <name withheld pending>, stuff some obscure bits
into hidden files on DOS boxen to prevent replay with a possibly different
permissible policy threshold, and prompt the adult/user/owner/installer for
threshold definition".

Clunky, IMHO, because the step after "mistake" is "reinstall OEM os", but
tastes vary.

Once Utah ISPs come up with a good way to do this,
I suspect there will be a market for such services
elsewhere in the USA as well.

In the instance of policy and mechanism I reviewed, this was "interpose a
proxy on all http methods, and evalute some property of some of object
according to some rule(s). If permissible (above), forward to the edge,
if not, do something else.

It could have been localized ad insertion, or bandwidth aware content
frobbing, instead of ... what it was.

Is it "easy" as a business proposition? Everything was on the rising side
of the bubble. On the falling side of the bubble even AOL had to work its

With "more moralists" dominant in public policy, market plans that replace
public morality policy with private morality policies seem to me to be less
likely to penetrate the "high" morality affinity-based markets than when
"less moralists" dominant in public policy.

To paraphrase my friend Bill, why would the little asshats settle for a
private Idaho or Utah when the big asshats have promissed them the whole

Anyway, it was presents for the kiddies and some of the winter's heating
oil, and I now know more about some people than I wanted to.
