Utah governor signs Net-porn bill


I'll be happy to contact the IT and/or policy people at any or all of the
Tribal Governments who's jurisdictions are surrounded by, or proximal to,
those of the state of Utah.

(a) They could use the business, just like anyone else, and (b) they are
not subject to Utah's state law (and before any smarty pants says "PL 280
Utah Code Annotated sections 63-36-9 to 63-36-21, 1991", let me point out
that Utah has not amended its state constitutions and, consequently, their
claims of jurisdiction are subject to legal challenge, and (deep breath),
PL 280 wasn't intended to help missionaries chase foul mouthed apostates
and 1st Amendment exercisers out of Indian Country), and quite attached to
keeping that difference and keeping it visibly.

NO, see 76-10-1233(1) "A content provider that is domiciled in Utah,
or generates or hosts content in Utah, "...
