using expect to log into devices

And given the adage "Never create a rule you can't enforce", I
wonder how they enforce it - have to be pretty hardcore to make
sure that stuff doesn't get imported via USB or tethering off a
cellphone. (Or more correctly, I know how they do those sort of
things if you're a spook agency or doing classified research - how
do you make it palatable to employees in corporate sites?)

Yeah... just download RANCID and check the command line options.
Expect is mainly of historical interest, and the code already exists in
several forms, so no need to completely re-invent the wheel (as a square)

I call shenanigans about the avoidance of Perl modules. No real-world
has such constraints.

Besides, Expect itself is a module / extension of the Tcl language and
requires the
use of dynamically-loaded extension libraries for pattern matching and
various functions,
so using Expect would break the "No modules rule".

If you're not allowed the use of modules, then your implementation option
is pretty much
to write in something that compiles to straight machine language.

Jimmy Hess <>

> From:
> > Fine as a personal exercise, of course. The inability to download
> > modules seems sadistic to me, though.

Yeah... just download RANCID and check the command line options.
Expect is mainly of historical interest, and the code already exists in
several forms, so no need to completely re-invent the wheel (as a square)

In a follow up he stated that wasn't allowed either.

I call shenanigans about the avoidance of Perl modules. No real-world
has such constraints.

As someone who administers systems with such constraints, allow me to say that you are incorrect in your assertion.

Besides, Expect itself is a module / extension of the Tcl language and
requires the
use of dynamically-loaded extension libraries for pattern matching and
various functions,
so using Expect would break the "No modules rule".

"No PERL modules" != "no dynamically linked binaries"
