used hardware..

Hello there..

I am looking to sell and buy some used hardware, where is the best place for this, other than ebay ?

Mostly juniper stuff

thanks in advance.



just an FYI they are down for a week or so while they relocate that list serv, suppose to be back up in about a week.


We use Network Hardware Resale every couple of months and they are great. I haven't had experience selling anything to them, only purchasing.

Ryan G
IT Assistant/Support Technician
Limestone Networks, Inc.
Simple. Solid. Superior.

Our results with NHR were a disaster - that's all I'm say on a public list..... I highly recommend Knowledge Computers anytime someone asks - mention my name as a reference and you'll get a good price for sure :wink: Hit me up offline for contact details should you wish...


Not advocating NHR, but I bought one 6509 switch with several blades and no trouble for about a year.


Paul Stewart wrote: