usable T1 bandwidth

How much of the 1.544 Mbits/second of a T1 are available to IP? I know
some bits are taken for framing and such. I think I remember it is
around 1.3 something.

How much of the 1.544 Mbits/second of a T1 are available to IP? I know
   some bits are taken for framing and such. I think I remember it is
   around 1.3 something.

It's better than that, but the topic is inappropriate to this list, so...


How much of the 1.544 Mbits/second of a T1 are available to IP? I know
some bits are taken for framing and such. I think I remember it is
around 1.3 something.

It's 1.536 Mbps. This is 64000 x 24. The other 8k goes to framing
overhead. It's full-duplex. Can we stop the flames now?

Daniel Minoli has put out some good books that cover the low-layer
telecom transports, check with your local bookstore.

Golly gee, Tony, someone seems to be tearing down the messages that you
post. Maybe you need to hammer in a few more nails :slight_smile:

The part that got left out of Tony's message was you should try
asking on in USENET or search the USENET archives

Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-250-546-3049 - E-mail: