US Domestic line costs?


Stating the obvious, prices vary but here is a rule of thumb to get you
in the ball park. All telcos are willing to quote for free. :slight_smile:


DS1 private line pricing
local loop: $400( average cost per end)
IXC mileage: $2.40 per mile with a $475.00 minimum.

Stating the obvious, prices vary but here is a rule of thumb to get you
in the ball park. All telcos are willing to quote for free. :slight_smile:


DS1 private line pricing
local loop: $400( average cost per end)
IXC mileage: $2.40 per mile with a $475.00 minimum.

I see. Can anyone provide a similar rule of thumb for DS3s on the
East Coast, especially New York - DC (Virginia, to be more precise).

> Could anyone give me any hints as to an averge charge you would
> expect for a T1 between Washington and New York?
> Thanks

And thanks in advance from me.

Hi All,

Thanks to all those including Nancy who replied to me privately!

Hi Jim & All,

I see. Can anyone provide a similar rule of thumb for DS3s on the
East Coast, especially New York - DC (Virginia, to be more precise).

Are you moving ths data from NY to Viginia because you cannot find a
suitable FM/Colocation space in Washington/V? I'm having real
difficuties - hence Telehouse NY.

Does anyone out there know of a neutral point in the Washington area?
Both Jim and I are from the UK and I know from my quotes the International
circuits are the same to either Washington or NY - hence this extra telco
cost between cities is all a bit of a waste...

Sorry about two questions in one day!



Not relevant to East Coast, but PacBell DS1:

$350 + $25/mile.

MFS is signifigantly cheaper, but I don't know their formula.

Josh Beck

God, that is a massive difference to nancy's formula!!! Nancy's cals
would give a line cost of around $900 and yours $4350 (going by my
Reader's Digest Atlas ;-)))

Yours seriously bemused,


God, that is a massive difference to nancy's formula!!! Nancy's cals
would give a line cost of around $900 and yours $4350 (going by my
Reader's Digest Atlas ;-)))

  Well, PacBell does suck. Additionally, I would imagine that after
X miles line charges change... we only have one PacBell T1 (all others
MFS). It is San Diego -> Irvine, about 100 miles. I know it isn't $4k,
but I don't know how much it is... around town, however, that is their
cost AFAIK, but then again that too could be dated information.

Josh Beck

These things do vary all over the place. We used to pay $170 a month
for a T1 in San Jose.