US and UK spy agencies defeat privacy and security on the internet

Anyone else see this coming?

US and UK spy agencies defeat privacy and security on the internet

Yes, long, long ago. I just didn't expect to see it revealed.

This is really only a 'work-around' by the NSA, meaning they get around strong encryption by going directly to the source of the unencrypted data (eg. google/yahoo/M$ servers), or by potentially posing as a "trusted" CA. Like Snowden said back in June, good encryption still works. There still isn't enough compute power available to bruteforce open-spec encryption, using peer-reviewed, popular open source software. I say "popular" because it should be a project in active development that has the code monitored and reviewed often (I'm no software engineer, so I can't read source code).

PGP still works...assuming the NSA already doesn't have a backdoor in your modem/chipset firmware (since there aren't any free firmware/libs for any modern SoC that I know of)...or a backdoor trojan on your system...or a super secret root kit on your old Fedora Core 2 system (swear I don't have any Fedora Core systems left..).

Moral of the story, stay away from the centralized services and commercial encryption software. And write your own custom firmware for you phone's wifi/cell chip. Start by helping these guys out - :wink: