URLs presented in the talks at NANOG9

Here are the various URLs I have collected as a result of the talks at NANOG
9. If you were a speaker and you don't see a URL listed here, then I don't
have it. Please send it to me as soon as you can. I also have hard copy from
Steve Feldman, Bill Manning and WeeSan Lee, but if you folks have URLs for
me, that would be great.

Alternatively, you can mime-mail me your slides. I accept most anything
PowerPoint and Postscript.


Steve Corbato - http://weber.u.washington.edu/~corbato/nanog-sf
Dave Meyer - http://ns.oregon.edu/~meyer/I2
Mark Kosters - http://rs.internic.net/presentations/marrk/nanog9702.html
Randy Bush - http://psg.com/~randy/970210.nanog
Curtis Villamizar - ftp://engr.ans.net/pub/slides/nanog/feb-1997/tcp*.ps