urgent opening: Engineer-Transport - III

In case some is interested, Got this email today:

In article <CA+M5dWbOxWBD2SDqVq7F6jzHO3dTz0L6Q1X=vNdbxSd5FW+bQw@mail.gmail.com> you write:


In case some is interested, Got this email today:

Please, no. If we want help wanted ads, we know where to find them.

This particular one is so specific that as likely as not it's a fake
ad to justify and H1-B hire.


I got tons of these spammed to me everyday, only reason I posted this particular one was that it was very specific to network infrastructure.

Mentioning core networking equipment.
Are they really using fake job postings to justify H1-B hires these days?

Well that is Fing depressing if true.

  • J

I got tons of these spammed to me everyday, only reason I posted this particular one was that it was very specific to network infrastructure.

Hi Javier,

I probably got 5 like it this week. Only counting the ones that got
detailed about network infrastructure. And I'm not even looking for a
network engineering job; I want to write network software.

So yeah, dime a dozen, no need to share with Nanog. Post a resume to a
few job boards and you'll get flooded with them too.

Mentioning core networking equipment.
Are they really using fake job postings to justify H1-B hires these days?

Well that is Fing depressing if true.

Yes, they do. You won't know for sure though until you tell them your
salary and hear what they say. If it's way under market (it often is)
then yeah, it's H1-B spam. And there is a sorry amount of that going

Bill Herrin

Thanks for the heads up Bill.

Now I just feel like a sucker entertaining these fools. Sorry to spam the board. I haven’t really looked at the IT staffing game in a while and it seems it has gone to complete trash compared to even how bad it was 10 years ago.

  • Javier

The effing annoying thing is when the calls start at 6:00 am because
they can't be bothered to read the top of your resume which says
you're on the west coast and just figure hey, 703 number, must be
eastern time. Honestly, I'm not sure why I still own a telephone.


I made the mistake of posting a resume from a link on linkedin, luckily, with a google voice number, but unfortunately, not with a burner email address.

I had 11 missed calls yesterday because for now I am keeping my phone on silent. I mean, for f’s sake, just send me an email.

So annoying. Thanks for reaching out, but if I don’t pick up on the first call, LEAVE A VOICEMAIL.

  • Javier

The really scary and not uncommon thing now is for unethical recruiters to take your CV from somewhere, copy/paste it into their own word processing software, and start editing things in it (and removing your direct contact information) without permission from yourself, and send it onwards to their “clients”.

Have seen this happen to at least five people I know.

And this is why I always tell people to:

1) Use a PDF (it makes it harder, they at least have to copy/paste text and do some re-formatting).

2) Ship or attach a PGP or other crypto signature (not that anybody verifies them). I personally have been known to mention that the resume should be signed/have a signature available in a quick quip where I also mention experience with basic end-application crypto systems in the resume. Recruiters often fail to remove that reference when they modify it.

3) Offer to "send a fresh copy" of the resume at the earliest opportunity in engaging a hiring manager.

4) Always bring multiple hard-copies as well as the PDF on portable media to interviews.

The hiring managers hate the recruiter-modified BS resumes as much as the interviewees do. This goes double when it's been modified to the point that the qualifications stated bear little to no resemblance to the original ones stated. That just wastes everyone's time.

This is not a new thing. I was a headhunter for about nine inglorious
months back in the late eighties and it was absolutely rife then. That
was the heyday of IT consulting/contracting (in Australia at least)...

Regards, K.