updating bogon filters for 83/8 and 84/8


On November 15th 2003, IANA allocated 83/8 and 84/8 to RIPE.

RIPE has started allocating prefixes from these blocks to LIRs around
Europe. We received and have started connecting domestic
users with these IP addresses.

Unfortunately, quite a few ISPs and corporates out there, have not yet
updated their bogon filters to allow for these ranges to pass. These are
including sites like cnn.com, yahoo.com and excite.com.

I'd like to ask everyone to doublecheck whether you are currently allowing
these addresses to pass your prefix filters and that you're no longer
nullrouting them...

Many thanks,


Hi, NANOGers.

] Unfortunately, quite a few ISPs and corporates out there, have not yet
] updated their bogon filters to allow for these ranges to pass. These are
] including sites like cnn.com, yahoo.com and excite.com.

Spread the word! These filters are _easy_ to update. Heck, in one
case you don't have to make any changes at all! Please visit the
Bogon route-server project page:


We provide the bogons in a wide variety of formats, all listed and
detailed here:


If folks require assistance with the modification and testing of
filters, please don't hesitate to ping on us!

Rob, for Team Cymru.

Don't forget about the other half of the problem. ISPs need to
verify the network announcements by their downstream BGP networks.
Eventually most of the current "bogons" will be assigned, and bogon
filters will continue to be less and less useful. On the other hand,
positive verification will continue to improve the stability of the