Updated DNS monitoring

Hi, NANOGers.

I've crafted several enhancements to my DNS monitoring suite. I am now
monitoring the gTLD name servers, and you can see the data here:

http://www.cymru.com/DNS/gtlddns.html (graphs)
http://www.cymru.com/DNS/gtlddnstext.html (text)

I have enhanced the root and gTLD name server monitoring. Now instead
of only graphing hourly query response, I am also graphing hourly ICMP
8 0 ("ping") response. This may provide some additional insight during
periods of high latency; it may instead be specious as all get out. :wink:
You will find it here:


On a related note...

Are you lame? Being lame means I will pick on you during my next
presentation. Avoid this shame! :slight_smile: Take a look at the lame server
report below. It is updated weekly. My thanks to those who donate to
the data.


Comments, feedback, donated data, and peering sessions are always


I checked out the current list mainly for personal amusement, and to check
if the nameservers I know admins for were listed.

1. It would be nicer to have a search feature than just having to pull
down the whole list to check for a name/pattern.

2. I noticed a few merit.edu listings. I thought that was mildy amusing,
being the host of the NANOG list. I hope they are benefitting from the
list as well.

Just finished getting the whole list, so I'm going to sift through it for
people I know. Hope the feedback is helpful.


Hi, Gerald.

] 1. It would be nicer to have a search feature than just having to pull
] down the whole list to check for a name/pattern.

Excellent idea! As the link on which my web server resides now has
several bulges, it seems very wise to generate a search capability. :slight_smile:
I'll add that to my TO-DO list. I want to get some additional BGP data
points online first, so I'll have to ponder the priorities a bit.

] Just finished getting the whole list, so I'm going to sift through it for
] people I know. Hope the feedback is helpful.

Very, thanks!

To those of you who are having difficulty viewing the site: I apologize,
and I'm trying to find a way to alleviate the paucity of available
bandwidth into my home lab. Stay tuned!
