Update: CSX train derailment

I asked a resident who happen to work
in the area re: the 30kft temporary fiber run. See
for a map.

  It must be in a tunnel. I drove right past there today on
  my way to work and didn't see anything at all. The Sun
  {newspaper} is on Calvert St. between Center and Orleans.
  There are no visible aboveground cables (phone, electrical,
  cable) on Calvert or on Guilford for as far as I can see
  from the windows right now.

There was a later reference to pipes blocked with mud. Do we
infer they got permission to run it through storm sewers?
In any case, that was fast work by the fiber folks..

I don't know about others but MFN was able to use conduit that they already
owned for their metro network and to get expedited approval to lease some
Verizon duct.