Unimus as NCM (Network Configuration Management) Tool

Hi Network Experts,

Is anyone using Unimus as your main NCM tool in production? I am looking at an NCM tool that can scale upto 10,000 to 15,000 Network Devices. Do you recommend any other solution? The solution should atleast able to support network config backups, diffs, and basic network auditing features.



I use it for config backups, diffs, etc. Love it.

Theres others such as Rancid but im not sure if it works on anything other than Vendor C.


We use both Unumus and ManageEngine. Neither covers all device models, or all firmware versions of all devices, so we have to use both products to get complete device coverage. Scaling depends on host performance, so for large device populations you may want to assign different SCM instances to particular subgroups.

-mel via cell

RANCID works perfectly for Cisco, Juniper, Arista, Brocade (Foundry) and HP.

They are also known to support other obscure vendors.


Can confirm for Cisco.

We use it for ECI (now Ribbon) gear as well, just with our local modifications. We copied the Juniper scripts and modified them to not set some CLI states and to adapt the commands that are run. It's not that complicated to modify.

Joel Busch

Unimus is very open to adding additional platforms and improving support for existing platforms. I’d reach out to them for assistance.

If you are looking for a self-host version, Oxidized (https://github.com/ytti/oxidized) works great. Its mainly focused on just network backup however, but you can customize to your liking.

We use it for that. It’s pretty darn nice to use most days. We are nowhere that scale though, but I know the owner. He has some customers with far larger deployments as far as I understand.

Very responsive and they are pretty sharp cookies. Price is also good.

Hi Network Experts,

Is anyone using Unimus as your main NCM tool in production? I am looking at an NCM tool that can scale upto 10,000 to 15,000 Network Devices. Do you recommend any other solution? The solution should atleast able to support network config backups, diffs, and basic network auditing features.



For backup and version control (e.g., git), I use Oxidize. It supports a bunch of different vendors, so long as there is a CLI. Writing scripts for new vendors is very simple.

Oxidized can run on its own or get fed by something like LibreNMS so as you add devices for monitoring, Oxidize will pick up the new devices. Very handy to track changes that get pushed out. And track down who did what to screw up your network.


We’ve used Unimus exclusively since 2018. It’s absolutely wonderful for NCM.

Also works well for Dell S series switches. I use it on S4128s and S4048s.