Unicast Flooding

Recently while running a packet capture I came across some unicast flooding
that was happening on my network. One of our core switches didn't have the
mac-address for a server, and was flooding all packets destined to that
server. It wasn't learning the mac-address because the server was
responding to packets out on a different network card on a different
switch. The flooding I was seeing wasn't enough to cause any network
issues, it was only a few megs, but it was something that I wanted to fix.

I've ran into this issue before, and solved it by statically entering the
mac-address into the cam tables.

I want to avoid this problem in the future, and I'm looking at two different

The first is preventing it in the first place. Along those lines, I've seen
some recommendations on-line about changing the arp and cam timeouts to be
the same. However, there seems to be a disagreement on which is better,
making the arp timeouts match the cam table timeouts, or vice versa. Also,
when talking about this, everyone seems to be only considering routers, but
what about the timers on a firewall? I'm worried that I might cause other
issues by changing these timers.

The second thing I'm considering is monitoring. I'd like to setup something
to monitor for any excessive unicast flooding in the future. I understand
that a little unicast flooding is normal, as the switch has to do a little
bit of flooding to find out where people are. While looking for a way to
monitor this, I came across the 'mac-address-table unicast-flood' command on
Cisco switches. This looked perfect for what I needed, but apparently it is
currently not an option on 6500 switches with Sup720s. Since there doesn't
appear to be an option on Cisco that monitors specificaly for unicast
floods, I thought that maybe I could setup a server with a network card in
promiscuous mode and then keep stats of all packets received that aren't
destined for the server and that also aren't legitimate broadcasts or
multicasts. The only problem with that is that I don't want to have to
completely custom build my own solution. I was hoping that someone may have
already created something like this, or that maybe there is a good reporting
tool for wireshark or something that could generate the report that I want.

Anyone have any suggestions on either prevention/monitoring?



Unicast flooding is a common occurrence in large datacenters especially with asymmetrical paths caused by different first hop routers (via HSRP, VRRP, etc). We ran into this some time ago. Most arp sensitive systems such as clusters, HSRP, content switches etc are smart enough to send out gratuitous arps which eliminates the worries of increasing the timeouts. We haven't had any issues since we made the changes.

After debugging the problem we added "mac-address-table aging-time 14400" to our data center switches. That syncs the mac aging time to the same timeout value as the ARP timeout

I have had the same issue in the past. The best fix for this has been to
set the Layer2/3 aging timers to be the same.

Matthew Huff wrote:

After debugging the problem we added "mac-address-table aging-time
14400" to our data center switches. That syncs the mac aging time to
the same timeout value as the ARP timeout

This helps, seconded.

Deepak Jain

In a layer 3 switch I consider unicast flooding due to an L2 cam table timeout a design defect. To test vendors' L3 switches for this defect we have used a traffic generator to send 50-100 Mbps of pings to a device that does not reply to the pings, where the L3 switch was routing from one vlan to another to forward the pings. In defective devices the L2 cam table entry expires, causing the 50-100 Mbps unicast stream to be flooded out all ports in the destination vlan. In my view the L3 and L2 forwarding state machines must be synchronized such that the L3 forwarding continues as long as there are packets entering the L3 switch on one vlan, and exiting the switch on another vlan via routing. It seems that gratuitous arps are a workaround which serves to reset the cam entry timeout interval, but not an elegant solution.

In a message written on Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 02:32:44PM -0700, Brian Shope wrote:

Anyone have any suggestions on either prevention/monitoring?

If you control the servers, writing a small program to emit a packet
every 300 seconds or so out every interface should be nearly trivial,
and will insure the switch knows where all the mac addresses are
dynamically. I think I would find that vastly preferable to static

I wouldn't consider this a defect. Historically L2 and L3 devices have
always been separate. When you get L3 switch those functions are just
combined into one device. In Cisco devices that support CEF, the CEF
table is used to make all forwarding decisions. But the CEF table is
dependent the ARP and Routing tables on the L3 side. When it comes to
forwarding the frame of the proper interface the CAM table comes into
play. If that table is timing out quicker than the L3 tables, there will
be times the CAM table is incomplete.

This is mostly present in redundant gateway setups. In bound traffic is
usually load balanced between the two redundant devices. The gateways
learn about the servers/workstations by traffic leaving the VLAN, not
coming into the VLAN. In the case of HSRP/VRRP the servers/workstations
are only using one of the two redundant devices to send traffic out of
the VLAN. In this case, one device will end up with incomplete
information every 5 minutes (default MAC aging timer). This will cause
traffic coming in to the VLAN (usually load balanced with EIGRP or OSPF)
to be a unknown unicast flood out all ports on the standby device.

Making the L2/3 timers the same corrects this. The reason this corrects
this because, for CEF to make a forwarding decision, it must have the
layer 3 engine make an ARP request if the ARP entry is not present. This
causes an ARP broadcast. With the ARP reply being returned the active
and standby device can both keep their CAM/ARP/CEF tables up to date.

As I do not consider this a defect that these are not synchronized by
default, I do agree it would be very beneficial and prevent a lot of
confusion and hours of troubleshooting when unsuspecting engineers are
trying to figure out why they have a ton of unknown unicast packets.

Just my additional 0.02

Holmes,David A wrote:

Thanks for all the good info..

So it sounds like changing my CAM timeout to 4 hours is the best
suggestion. Anyone have any problems when implementing this?

Holmes,David A wrote:

In a layer 3 switch I consider unicast flooding due to an L2 cam table timeout a design defect. To test vendors' L3 switches for this defect we have used a traffic generator to send 50-100 Mbps of pings to a device that does not reply to the pings, where the L3 switch was routing from one vlan to another to forward the pings.

You don't need an elaborate scenario to create the unicast flooding.
Syslog servers can cause this quite frequently, if all they do is sink
syslog UDP traffic and never (or rarely) generate any packets themselves.

You can push up L2 / CAM / mac-address-table timeouts, but you may have
some unexpected results if you have a volatile / mobile network where
end devices are not static.

I still don't have a "really comfortable" recommendation on settings,
but agree in general that the ARP timeout should be somewhat less than
the L2 timeout, and yes, the ARP response will refresh the L2 entry.

It gets even more complicated if you are using a NAC / monitoring
function that triggers on mac-address-table tracking / changes / traps,
as the shorter the L2 timeout, the more frequent your mac-address-table
changes are generated.

You can complicate this even further with "smart" monitors that are
trying to keep a mapping of IP-to-MAC-to-switchport -- you may have L2
entries without ARPs, ARPs without L2 entries, etc.


Not as long as all the user ports have portfast enabled. Without
portfast, when a port goes up or down it causes a topology change
notification which sets the fast aging timer and the cam table entries
age out in something like 15 seconds.


Relying on a TCN would yield very inconsistent results.

Lee wrote:


The first is preventing it in the first place.

As annoying as this might sound, this is one of the
standard operating modes for load balancing within
a Microsoft server cluster (see NLB). We've tried
to avoid it, but it seems to come up around once a
year from someone on our campus...

Eric :slight_smile:

Very true Eric. Microsoft even acknowledges the issue, and still has not
fixed it. I have had a few customers use NLB and have this issue.

Eric Gauthier wrote:

Steven King wrote:

Very true Eric. Microsoft even acknowledges the issue, and still has not
fixed it. I have had a few customers use NLB and have this issue.

Eric Gauthier wrote:


The first is preventing it in the first place.

As annoying as this might sound, this is one of the
standard operating modes for load balancing within a Microsoft server cluster (see NLB). We've tried
to avoid it, but it seems to come up around once a year from someone on our campus...

Eric :slight_smile:

I understand is 'working as designed' ?

Much like the Stonegate (?) Firewall redundancy trick ?
It was a little worse when doing the multicast-l2 to a unicast-l3 address trick..

By the way, if you think this is funny in a campus ethernet backbone..
Try it in an old ATM/LANE environment..I had customer that had the chance to try it, and wanted a root cause analysis.
The BUS switch, was NOT happy in forwarding all the traffic going to the firewall cluster :-)...