unblock communications

Considering the terrorist attacks, and under the circumstances, it would
only be appropriate and humane that MAPS and the ORBS offsprings cease
blocking immediately, and allow the free flow of world-wide communications
at least until the dust settles.

The reasons for this appeal are obvious.


So that the bandwidth available for mail that is not spam can be reduced?

i think we all know now whose picture is in the dictionary next
to the defintion of "obsessive".


So that all people and institutions can communicate freely in this national
emergency from wherever they may be found stranded. Or are you too dense to
comprehend who the real enemy is?

BTW, nobody prevents you to take whatever action you deem necessary on your
own network, of your own free will.


Yeah, they're most definitely obvious...you see an opportunity to carry on
with your ridculous tirade against MAPS, even in it means capitalizing on
the deaths of thousands. Utterly shamefull, to the point that if you were
my annoying neighbor, and you acted like this, I'd quite likely bitchslap


Andy Dills 301-682-9972
Xecunet, LLC www.xecu.net
Dialup * Webhosting * E-Commerce * High-Speed Access

Don't you have a shred of decency? Thousands of Americans died today.
Pushing your self-serving agenda in the midst of such a crisis only shows
what a prick you are.

* Mitch Halmu sez:

So that all people and institutions can communicate freely in this national
emergency from wherever they may be found stranded. Or are you too dense to
comprehend who the real enemy is?

BTW, nobody prevents you to take whatever action you deem necessary on your
own network, of your own free will.

Would you mind terribly not to abuse national disasters for your
rediculous little completely stupid and currently uncalled for holy war?


::So that all people and institutions can communicate freely in
::this national
::emergency from wherever they may be found stranded. Or are
::you too dense to
::comprehend who the real enemy is?

My god man are you insane??? The real enemy? Who gives a flying leap
about blocked relays!?! Many thousands of people are dead and you have
the gall to send a message about MAPS??

Mitch, you're disgusting. I wasn't going to dignify your post
with a response, but I will "me too". To use this to push your
private agenda is unthinkable. I should copy the ultimate
flame, but not even that is sufficient.

I do, however, refuse to dignify your post with an argument.
Consider Godwin invoked -- and then some.

My only post on the matter.


to the defintion of "obsessive".

I think the unblock communications thread can safely die here. I see no
reason to actually take it seriously. Before people started answering it,
I was sure it was a troll of some kind.

There are more important issue at hand.


P.S. Stay safe, and I hope all of you and your families are ok.

Get a fucking life.

Only low-life scum would try to capitalize on a national tragedy to promote
their own political agenda. I find this utterly disgusting. Thousands of
innocent people died today and all you can think about is your own
self-centered agenda. I must say I think I have found the lowest of the low.

/Alexander Kiwerski

You're comparing a terrorist attack that killed thousands of people to
spam blocking?

Welcome to the kook filter, Mitch - don't bother replying directly to
me; Sendmail at mail.nstc.com won't be accepting your messages.

This is my second and final post. Susan, could you please consider
removing Mr. Halmu from the list?