Ultradns using anycast?

Does anyone know if Ultradns uses anycast? Or how to get someone at UltraDNS or PIR to take ownership of a issue and resolve it?

Does anyone know if Ultradns uses anycast?

Do you know if Google is a search engine?

  Or how to get someone at UltraDNS or PIR to take ownership of a
issue and resolve it?

What about google(ultradns noc) and feeling lucky.
Not forgetting puck.nether.net/netops/nocs.cgi and various other
resources mentioned in the FAQ and in a certain thing called a search



Anycast, yes. If you want to shoot me an email offline, myself or
any one of the handful of my colleagues on this list can probably
point you in the right direction if we can't help you directly.

If you can forward me any prior communication you had attempted so
I know where it was delivered, or supposed to be have been delivered
to and what the problem is that would obviously be useful.


PIR is the TLD manager for .ORG. Afilias provides technical operations for the ORG registry on behalf of PIR; the ORG zone is hosted today by Neustar Ultra Services (which is the more recent, correct name for UltraDNS following their acquisition) under contract to Afilias.

If you have a problem with the technical operations of the ORG zone, registry or nameserver, then Afilias is an appropriate organisation to contact. I don't have the NOC contacts to hand, but personal mail to me will cause things to happen, so long as I'm not buried under a pile of other distractions (as I mentioned in private mail to Jeffrey).


anycast for which parts of their services? If you google the nanog
archives you'll certainly see a bunch of questions related to anycast and
UDns. If you go to one of several looking glasses you can traceroute to a
single IP and see multiple paths/end-destinations, were it not for the
'slow' airport experience I'd try to do that on a sample tld1.ultradns.net
sorry I can't provide a bbit more visual example :frowning:

Normally their support line/form is good, what sort of problem is it you
are having?

I would like to thank everyone for their responses to my issue.