ultradns reachability

DNS traffic, surprisingly, is not very "fat". It is no HTTP nor SMTP.

The engineering behind appropriately sizing a unicast fallback would
be pretty trivial, especially compared to building a somewhat-robust
anycast architecture.


In a message written on Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 05:55:13PM -0700, Matt Ghali wrote:

DNS traffic, surprisingly, is not very "fat". It is no HTTP nor SMTP.

The engineering behind appropriately sizing a unicast fallback would
be pretty trivial, especially compared to building a somewhat-robust
anycast architecture.

This statement may be true for many DNS servers, but I suspect it
is completely false for the roots, or for the GTLD's. Perhaps the
folks from .org or from f-root would like to comment on how hard
it would be to handle the whole load from a single box, particularly
when you consider they are all high profile DDoS targets as well.

If it were trivial, more GTLD's would be doing it.