TWTC issue with Foundry routers?

Anyone know of any changes that were made with TWTC (AS 4323)
last night that may have affected those running Foundry
routers? We peer with a number of providers and last night
our TWTC connection went down with:

Jul 25 15:57:22:N:BGP Peer DOWN (Attribute Flags Error)
Jul 25 15:57:14:N:BGP Peer UP (ESTABLISHED)

If I debug updates on that session I get:
(Lines added for readability)

Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE w/attr: Origin=IGP
AS_PATH=AS_SEQ(2) 4323 8881 8881 8881 30915 NextHop=
COMMUNITY=4323:51 4323:501 4323:1003 4323:2001 4323:2503 4323:34510
4323:50000 65101:1003 65102:4 65103:1 65104:301
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE w/attr: Origin=IGP
AS_PATH=AS_SEQ(2) 4323 2828 19092 14188 14188 14188 14188 14188
NextHop= COMMUNITY=4323:51 4323:501 4323:1015 4323:2503
4323:36410 4323:50000 65101:1015 65102:4 65103:1 65104:301
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE

Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv invalid COMMUNITY attribute flag d0

Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE w/attr: Origin=IGP
AS_PATH=AS_SEQ(2) 4323 12956 3352 NextHop= ATOMIC_AGGREGATE
AGGREGATOR AS=3352 Speaker=

The router is a Foundry NetIron 400 running their 7.8 code.
We have two of these talking to Level 3, TWTC, Cogent, Uunet
and AT&T and only the TWTC had an issue. They sent me a
default route instead of full routes and the session came
up and was stable; go back to full routes and error. They
admitted to me this afternoon that three other customers are
having the same issue. That's when we started wondering if
they changed something that the Foundry code doesn't like.
Interesting though is that they claim to not be sending me
communities while the output above indicates they are.

Any ideas; be nice to get the link back up. :slight_smile:



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As a Foundry user utilizing Communities this caught my eye...I found a
similar post to Nanog last year that pointed me in the right direction
on this I think. It seems the author of that post seems to have hit the
nail on th head.

Your debugging shows
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv invalid COMMUNITY attribute flag d0

Decoded, the Attribute flag 'd0' means the attribute is: Optional,
transitive, and extended (greater than 255 octets)

It seems when the FI400 receives the 'd0' flag stating that the next
update has an extended attribute field, it borks.

I'd guess this due to a large amount of Communities attached to that
prefix for whatever reason. Though I suppose the upstream router could
be at fault for flagging 'd0' and then sending a _non_ extended
attribute. Its hard to tell.

One would assume that the FI400 should merely discard that update rather
than take the session down, but I need to read more into the RFC to know
for sure.

Sorry I don't have a definitive answer, but you might ask TWTC to
_actually_ not send you communities and see if it goes away. :slight_smile: Either
way it seems a call to Foundry TAC is in order as this is unacceptable

Original Post from 2006:


David Hubbard wrote:

Anyone know of any changes that were made with TWTC (AS 4323)
last night that may have affected those running Foundry
routers? We peer with a number of providers and last night
our TWTC connection went down with:

Jul 25 15:57:22:N:BGP Peer DOWN (Attribute Flags Error)
Jul 25 15:57:14:N:BGP Peer UP (ESTABLISHED)

If I debug updates on that session I get:
(Lines added for readability)

Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE w/attr: Origin=IGP
AS_PATH=AS_SEQ(2) 4323 8881 8881 8881 30915 NextHop=
COMMUNITY=4323:51 4323:501 4323:1003 4323:2001 4323:2503 4323:34510
4323:50000 65101:1003 65102:4 65103:1 65104:301
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE w/attr: Origin=IGP
AS_PATH=AS_SEQ(2) 4323 2828 19092 14188 14188 14188 14188 14188
NextHop= COMMUNITY=4323:51 4323:501 4323:1015 4323:2503
4323:36410 4323:50000 65101:1015 65102:4 65103:1 65104:301
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE

Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv invalid COMMUNITY attribute flag d0

Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE w/attr: Origin=IGP
AS_PATH=AS_SEQ(2) 4323 12956 3352 NextHop= ATOMIC_AGGREGATE
AGGREGATOR AS=3352 Speaker=

The router is a Foundry NetIron 400 running their 7.8 code.
We have two of these talking to Level 3, TWTC, Cogent, Uunet
and AT&T and only the TWTC had an issue. They sent me a
default route instead of full routes and the session came
up and was stable; go back to full routes and error. They
admitted to me this afternoon that three other customers are
having the same issue. That's when we started wondering if
they changed something that the Foundry code doesn't like.
Interesting though is that they claim to not be sending me
communities while the output above indicates they are.

Any ideas; be nice to get the link back up. :slight_smile:



- --
Ryan M. Harden, BS, KC9IHX Office: 217-265-5192
CITES - Network Engineering Cell: 630-363-0365
2130 Digital Computer Lab Fax: 217-244-7089
1304 W. Springfield email:
Urbana, IL 61801

   University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign
                     - All your Base -

Hello Ryan,

There was a bug in one of the elder firmwares that caused bgp-sessions to be
reset when prefixes with more than 4 or maybe 6 communities were received.
You should update your firmware - I think this issue has been resolved a long
while ago. You can also check the foundry-nsp-list/archives.

Best regards,