Two renumbering questions

My ISP is changing upstreams for a variety of reasons around May 18th.

1. I have a /24 SWIPed to me, The ARIN listing doesn't say
it's non-portable, so can I take it with me? And if I do, how likely is it
that the new ISP's announcement will get installed in backbone routers
rather than filtered for being too long? It's right in the middle of the old
upstream's block 205.238.192/18.

2. Assuming I have to renumber, I have a whole bunch of virtual domains all
DNS served from one server in the renumbered space called
(There's other servers elsewhere that won't get renumbered.) If I tell the
Internic that ivan's host number has changed, will that update all the
domains served from it?


John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be,, Sewer Commissioner
Finger for PGP key, f'print = 3A 5B D0 3F D9 A0 6A A4 2D AC 1E 9E A6 36 A3 47

My ISP is changing upstreams for a variety of reasons around May 18th.

1. I have a /24 SWIPed to me, The ARIN listing doesn't say
it's non-portable, so can I take it with me? And if I do, how likely is it
that the new ISP's announcement will get installed in backbone routers
rather than filtered for being too long? It's right in the middle of the old
upstream's block 205.238.192/18.

I have a similar issue with a /21 which should belong to me. It's in the
middle of UUnet's block. They have claimed they own it in private mail, but
neither of us have actually updated the contact record, which indicates my
predecessor owns it. For now it's fine, since I like uunet, and probably
won't change that.

The real problem with portability seems to be getting the route advertised.
A /21 has a chance (I think), but a /24 probably is going to be tough. My
guess is that you won't be able to get anyone to route it, and even if you
do, it might not be accepted globally.

2. Assuming I have to renumber, I have a whole bunch of virtual domains all
DNS served from one server in the renumbered space called
(There's other servers elsewhere that won't get renumbered.) If I tell the
Internic that ivan's host number has changed, will that update all the
domains served from it?

Yes. Thats the beauty of Host records. Your domains have a host handle.
When you update the IP associated with that handle, all the domains that
use that handle are also updated.

To make this go smoothly, you will need a secondary nameserver in your
whois records that won't change, so you will still have service during the


If you change the InterNIC Host Record for a name server, it should be
reflected in the whois info for domains that use that name server (works that
way for me, anyhow). You may need to notify ARIN separately.

I can't imagine that a /24 would be advertised, if at all, by anyone besides
the direct upstream of the site using it.