TTM use in North America

I am interested in hearing how/if TTM (Test Traffic Measurements) is
currently being used in North American networks. Practical experiences,
gotcha's, value proposition, support, etc.. would be of interest.

Also, are there any alternative projects that are also worth


Josh, others,

I am interested in hearing how/if TTM (Test Traffic Measurements) is
currently being used in North American networks.

At the moment, there are 8 sites participating in the measurements and a
9th ordered its test-box this morning. The 8 boxes are located in Palo
Alto, Denver (2), Chicago, Fermilab (near Chicago), Austin, Washington DC
and Ann Arbor. The 9th box will be installed in the Bay area as well.

Besides that, 3 big ISP's have shown interest in deploying boxes for 2
different projects, this would involve something between 5 and 15 boxes
all over the US.

Practical experiences, gotcha's,

The biggest problem so-far was the installation of the GPS antenna. In
order for GPS to work, it requires a view of the sky, preferably from the
outside of the building. That is not always possible in the US, with its
buildings where windows cannot open and PoP's are frequently located in
the basements of buildings.

This problem has now been solved. We now support CDMA based clocks units
that use the carrier signal from CDMA based cell-phones. These units work
inside buildings, everywhere where a cell-phone works. Geographic
coverage of the USA is about 99%. Installation costs of these units are

value proposition, support, etc.. would be of interest.

We recently did a user survey of TTM and our customers rated both value
for money and support as excellent.

Henk Uijterwaal
Project manager for TTM