Troubles with HE's Tunnelbroker

I know at least some people here (srs?) use's tunnelbroker service.

Has anyone else been experiencing issues? I have three different tunnels that I've noticed are down (to various data centers), and calling their support department (and emailing) thusfar have proved to be less than helpful.

If anyone else using the service could contact me out-of-band in the interest of comparing notes, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Dan Mahoney

Hurricane Electric's Tunnelbroker, to my knowledge, is operated by one of their Administrators.. on his personal time. Last I knew, they didn't really have a support staff so to speak... you might want to talk to mike in the NOC at Hurricane Electric. Also, tunnels do not effect network operations of any kind and are pseudo networks, please keep discussions on-topic. Thanks.

<extremely shameless plug>

</extremely shameless plug>


Should be fixed now. The tunnelbroker service uses a bunch of retired
7206 routers. One of the routers ate its config. Because of the number
of tunnels it uses compressed configurations, which can get corrupted if a
router runs out of memory (from leaks and memory fragmentation).

Tunnel broker issues should be directed to Though it is a
free service with "beta" level support, we are a 24 x 7 operation so last
night an engineer was busy recovering the specific router from a back up.


Hurricane Electric's Tunnelbroker, to my knowledge, is operated by one of
their Administrators.. on his personal time. Last I knew, they didn't
really have a support staff so to speak... you might want to talk to mike in
the NOC at Hurricane Electric. Also, tunnels do not effect network
operations of any kind and are pseudo networks, please keep discussions
on-topic. Thanks.

From: "Dan Mahoney, System Admin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:42 PM
Subject: Troubles with HE's Tunnelbroker

> I know at least some people here (srs?) use's tunnelbroker service.
> Has anyone else been experiencing issues? I have three different tunnels
> that I've noticed are down (to various data centers), and calling their
> support department (and emailing) thusfar have proved to be less than
> helpful.
> If anyone else using the service could contact me out-of-band in the
> interest of comparing notes, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Dan Mahoney
> --
> "Man, this is such a trip"
> -Dan Mahoney, October 25, 1997
> --------Dan Mahoney--------
> Techie, Sysadmin, WebGeek
> Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
> ICQ: 13735144 AIM: LarpGM
> Site:
> ---------------------------

+----------------- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C -----------------+

Thank you for heads up Mike, I appreciate this service a lot. We have
been even giving people ipv6 workshops in Puerto Rico by using your
tool. So Thank you! :slight_smile:

Mehmet Akcin -
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