Troubles reaching hosts through

Can anyone with a host on 64/8 try reaching or We're having troubles reaching either of those from
various hosts on that subnet. Just looking for some more details,
since some hosts on 64/8 can reach it, while others cannot.

We've been trying to get this solved since last Monday, and have just
been getting the runaround from them. If anyone's got a contact
there, or can pass this off to them, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Spake Damian Gerow on 31/10/2002, 10:06:39 -0500:

Can anyone with a host on 64/8 try reaching or We're having troubles reaching either of those from
various hosts on that subnet. Just looking for some more details,
since some hosts on 64/8 can reach it, while others cannot.

A couple of people have pointed out that these sites are multi-homed.
To be a little more specific, our traces are traversing Qwest before So it's not a filter in Verio.

Here's the more applicable part of a traceroute:

15 ( 84.508 ms 85.916 ms 85.301 ms
16 ( 86.780 ms 87.949 ms 87.105 ms
17 ( 91.981 ms 109.635 ms 85.859 ms
18 ( 129.400 ms 128.335 ms 128.568 ms
19 ( 126.871 ms 132.070 ms 133.559 ms
20 ( 135.519 ms 135.442 ms 131.014 ms
21 ( 134.300 ms 136.345 ms 135.117 ms
22 ( 135.595 ms 132.445 ms 136.589 ms
23 ( 136.786 ms 138.485 ms 133.917 ms

After which it just times out.

Spake Damian Gerow on 31/10/2002, 10:06:39 -0500:

We've been trying to get this solved since last Monday, and have just
been getting the runaround from them. If anyone's got a contact
there, or can pass this off to them, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks to the list, I was able to get a hold of someone who cleared
out the filter. Thanks to all for your traceroutes and help in
tracking down this problem.