Trouble with the rtsp vlc feed?

Anyone else having trouble with that?

Joe Maimon wrote:

Anyone else having trouble with that?

Not had any luck on either the unicast or multicast RTSP feeds. Flash works
fine, though.

Joe Maimon wrote:
> Anyone else having trouble with that?

Not had any luck on either the unicast or multicast RTSP feeds. Flash works
fine, though.

For those who had trouble with the feed, I took some notes this morning
from the first half of today's talks. Lunch break now, rest of the talks
be captured in separate mail at the end of the day.


2009.10.19 NANOG notes, Monday

Dave Meyer welcomes everyone to NANOG 47
at 0932 hours Eastern time.

Everyone please take note of the hosts
of NANOG 47, Arbor and Merit--thanks for
coming out and supporting it!

And next up, Betty Burke with some brief

Betty thanks the Merit president for allowing
them to host NANOG again--this is the traditional
thank you award given to the host.

Lisa Quimby from Arbor has done a lot of work
putting together the rest of the conference,
so a big thank you to them as well!

If you'd like to see the home base for Merit
to see the datacenter and some facilities,
contact Betty, she'll make arrangements, it's
about 30 minutes from here.

Don Welch from Merit has a few words now to
talk about what Merit is.
Formed in 1966 by 3 universities in Michigan
In 80s and 90s worked with IBM and MCI to run
the NSFnet
June 3-4, 1994, NANOG 1 was held in Ann Arbor.

Non-profit, serve research and education networks;
provide a neutral ground for otherwise competitive
companies to come together.

Provide networking to libraries, universities,
and research organizations. Mostly fiber based,
provide layer 1, 2, and 3 services.
Awaiting AARA grants to build out more services.
Also providing additional services up the stack.

ATT is providing a 50Mb circuit to Ann Arbor, and
there out to the rest of the world via 10G.

Farnam Jahanian
co-founder of Arbor, welcome to NANOG47, and thanks
to the co-hosts.

Much of the work behind Arbor came from work and
research done under Merit in the early days.

Exciting new era of innovation from 1988 to 2009,
from communication focusing on voice to a massive
explosion of different communication systems and
styles. Information technology is integrating more
deeply into society, we have new ways to communicate,
collaborate, and share information. Networking will
continue to be at the center of this societal

Traffic growing rapidly on fixed and mobile networks.
IP traffic will double every 2 years through 2011
Video Internet drives much of the growth
Google serving more than a billion videos a day now.

Security threats clog bandwidth and increase costs

Pricing for data is fixed or dropping

Yesterday: the era of "look at me" attacks

primary motivation of hackers was bragging rights
worms and viruses were intended to simply wreak havoc
on the infrastructure
These were availablity attacks: impacting network access
and services, and often, reputations.

Today: Botnets, Mobility, Clouds, and Social Media
Profit motives and new opportunities
malware takes control of targets, enable C&C infrastructure,
and enable malware deployment
Coordinate attacks
Political and Financial gains.

Tomorrow: 2009 and beyond

Future security challenges will follow internet
adoption patterns

Profit motives here to stay
Politically motivated attacks are 21st century form
of street protest.

Protecting cloud infrastructure is key to long term

Collaboration is more important than ever

NANOG itself is example of collaborative nature
of our work

Cooperation and information sharing between
private and public sector will be critical

Cyber will grow to be ever more important to
our economic security and prosperity.

Craig Labovitz is up next, was one in a long
line of program chairs for NANOG

ATLAS Internet Observatory, 2009 annual report

This was a 2 year effort, Arbor, UMich, and Merit
working together.

Largest internet monitoring infrastructure in thew orld
Global deployment across 110+ ISPs/Content Providers
near realtime traffic and routing statistics -- 14Tbps
leverages commercial security/traffic engineering
Participation voluntary and all data sources anonymous

ATLAS observatory report
Few observations are completely unique/new
growth of video, flatter internet, Google, etc.
by press, academic papers, analysts, and NANOG
may be first to quantitatively measure these trends
First global traffic engineering study of Internet evolution

There's been other work as well
Bill Norton

Observatory Data Details
Within a given ISP, commercial probe infrastructure
Monitors Netflow/Jflow/etc and routing across possible
  hundreds of routers
Probes topology aware of ISP, backbone, and customer

There's nothing in the files that shows which customer
it comes from.
No fine-grained data--not the NSA!

What it observes
Relative inter-domain traffic between ISPs
based on small sample of ASNs and weighted towards core
roughly matches analyst ISP market data/distribution
data representative of global inter-domain traffic
focus on "market share" as opposed to absolute data
Inter-domain traffic volumes and ratios provide
important design/engineering metric
negotiation/business strategy

Doesn't measure
web hits, tweets, transactions, customers, etc.
no internal traffic
ISP success nor profitability

Major Findings
Consolidation of Content Contributors
content migrated out of enterprise/edge to aggregators
consolidation of large Internet properties
Now only 150 origin ASNs now contribute 50% of traffic

Consolidation of Applications
Browser increasingly application front end (eg mail, vid)
Applications migrate to HTTP of Flash ports/protocols
All other ports/app groups decline (except games and VPN)

Evolution of Internet Core and Economic Innovation
Majority of traffic direct between consumer and
Market shifts focus to higher value services (MSSP,
Experimentation with paid transit
Experimentation with paid content

End-to-end internet battle has been fought and lost;
even XBox 360 has moved to all port 80.

BGP hop count gone from average of 4 to 3.5 to 3,
and still down.

ISPs moving from transport/transit to higher value

Evolution of the Internet Core

1995 to 2007, picture of the hierarchical network
core from the end of the NSFnet era, still taught,
was somewhat true into early to mid 2000s.

ATLAS 10 in 2007:
Level3, GX, ATT, Sprint, NTT, Cogent, Verizon,
TeliaSonera, Savvis, AboveNet

based on analysis of anonymous ASN origin/transit data.

But between 2005 and 2010, the world started to

collapse of wholesale transit
grwoth of advertisement supported content
collapse of price of cloud hosting and CDN (panther)
Scarcity of datacenter capacity
cooling/power/virtualization made old datacenters
less useful; bar raised for new facilities.

Market Forces in new Internet
Price of IP wholesale transit is dropping towards

Revenue from Internet Advertisement is going up.

DrPeering site has these graphs.

Key macro level trends shaping how ISPs approach
their business.

ATLAS 10 today:
Level3, GX, Google (5.2%), XXX,XXX, Comcast, rest

Comcast and Google have joined the top 10, weren't
even in top 20 in 2007. These are non-tier 1 companies
according to Wikipedia, but Google is one of the
fastest growing origin ASNs, and is now #3; and Comcast
is climbing as well.

Tier1s are still large, and are still somewhat profitable,
and are carrying significant volumes of traffic.

Consolidation of Content
2007, thousands of ASNs contributed 50% of content
in 2009, 150 ASNs contribute 50% of all Internet traffic
Approximates a power law distribution.

The knee of the curve has changed. This is the
most dramatic change that has occurred in the

Hypergiants--big ASNs at far left side.

Top five pure-play CDN origin ASN groups
increasingly blurred lines between ISP and CDN
significant competition and new entrants
Only includes Akamai inter-domain traffic (likely 1/4 or
  less of all traffic)
As category, CDNs represent close to 10% of all Internet

What's Happening
Commoditization of IP and hosting/CDN
drop price of wholesale transit
drop price of video/CDN
economics and scale drive enterprise to 'cloud'
Bigger get bigger
Google, Yahoo, MSFT acquisitions
Success of bundling / Higher Value Services
Triple and quad play
New economic models
Paid content (ESPN 360), paid peering, etc.
difficult to quantify due to NDA/commercial privacy
direct interconnection of content and consumer
driven by both cost and increasingly, performance

Direct peering is driving traffic distance closer to zero
Google, Akamai, others looking both at cost and
performance, as SLA-based metrics start to push
content closer to consumer

The new Internet is a densely meshed cloud
of ISPs, tier1/tier2s, global backbones,
and HyperGiants--large content, consumer,
and CDN providers.

Google's weighted percentage average traffic
vs YouTube

Over time, Google absorbs YouTube traffic,
Google now accounts for 6% of all Internet
traffic globally
Google one of the fastest growing origin ASNs

In 2007, Comcast looked like a traditional MSO
Lacked a nationwide network backbone
Focused on residential services
depended on upstream transit
2009, Comcast is different
Net contributor of internet traffic
6th largest origin/transit group by volume
Evidence of new business models
triple play
transit/wholesale service

Traffic ratio shifted from inbound, to
outbound; more content then eyeball network
Increasingly blurred lines between content and
consumer networks.

Application consolidation

Top ATLAS Global applications 2007-2009
Web, Video, VPN, Email, News, P2P, Games, SSH,
DNS, FtP, Other, Unclassificed

see the slide for exact numbers. Some like
P2P is hard to categorize as it keeps moving,
and some like Video don't necessarily catch it
all, as much of it moves to Flash video over
P2P is fastest shrinking; most moving to flash
or port 80 now.

Global P2P trends
Ports 6346, 6882, 6881, 4662
Global media cast P2P as the boogeyman, the driver
around network neutrality, etc. back in 2007.

By 2009, the great evil boogeyman of the internet
is falling, and falling fast; losing market share,
and turns out to have been mostly FUD.

Asia is slower to decline in P2P than other parts
of the world.

P2P still has significant volumes
slower growth, and some absolute decline
  provider traffic management
   (rate shaping, port limiting, etc.)
  improved P2P clients/algorithms
   (smarter clients localize traffic, etc.)
  migration to other content sources
   (peer to peer is a pain; is it shaky camera
    rip, or true HD movie? Now, direct download,
    direct CDN, hulu, iPlayer, etc. are taking over)

P2P replaced by direct download
Carpathia Hosting now represents 0.5% of all internet
MegaErotica, etc.

Internet is at an inflection point
Transition from focus on connectivity to content
old global internet models are evolving
new entrants are reshaping definition/value of connectivity
New technologies are reshaping definition of network
  "web" desktop apps, "cloud", CDN
changes mean significant new commercial, security, and
engineering challenges
this is just the beginning

Rate of change is accelerating!!

Bill Norton: video is a much larger amount of traffic
for a given interaction; lots of MB vs reading an
email, twitter, etc. Does that skew the analysis?
Anyone carrying video traffic will show up very high
on the list; this would discount anyone not carrying
video, right?