Transaction Based Settlements Encourage Waste (was Re: BBN/GTEI)

Mike Leber writes:

The point is that anybody interested in making money would make sure that
traffic didn't just balance out, they would develop a business plan where
they maximized revenue from settlements where possible.

Already being looked into and implemented.

Ok, so how about if you have a big dialup pool, or a R&D department is
developing a new type of web index, or somebody is studying word frequency
occurance of written english in web pages, or any one of half a dozen
other perfectly legitimate uses that suck traffic instead of pulling
traffic (and these two are just what I thought of in the second when I got
to the period in your sentence, I could come up with hundreds much better
uses based on what people are already doing as legitimate businesses

Bothered to see how backwards Australia does it?

Ok, now think about what happens if a provider earns revenue from any of
these applicatons. Instead of charging for the bandwidth a provider could
actually pay the users that generate this type of traffic.

Bothered to see how backwards Australia does it?

At first glance that might be your impression as to what happens.
However, can't you see how this type of settlement encourages web crawlers
to generate more traffic.

Bothered to see how backwards Australia does it?

Again, as just one of hundreds of ideas, imagine that a web crawler house
has the choice of updating their database once every 30 days or once every
15 days. Now imagine they make the decision about this in light of the
fact they get paid for additional traffic. So now they have an incentive
to update their database more frequently. Wow, what a great service for
the customer! And as a kicker, they make more money from settlements!


And web crawlers are just one application, and not the only one that sucks
traffic from web servers. And I can think of many more perfectly valid
uses for other protocols. Again, if you use your imagination, you can
create a legitimate business based on currently existing online businesses
and get the desired traffic flows.

Ultimately, in all of these cases less efficient algorithms and uses will
be chosen in the direction that results in positive revenue, and waste
will occur.

Okay.. lets just run through this again.
If you supply content, you lose. If you accept content, then you WIN from
a settlement-based peering arrangement?

Wow. I must be really backwards. Because, I would have thought that you'd
pay for services that you receive.

If I'm a dialup NSP *ONLY* then I can pretty much guarantee my traffic
will be asymetrical, and that I will be sucking lots and lots of traffic
compared to what I push.

If I'm a web hosting company, then I can pretty much guarantee my traffic
will be asymetrical, and that I will be pushing out more traffic than I pull.

Now, who should pay for what in today's internet? An internet which is
based on content provisioning?

In Australia, if you're a client of Telstra Internet, you pay 19c/meg in
pretty much all cases. You get a small discount on your traffic bill which
is dependant on what traffic you SUPPLY to their network, but thats the
whole point about "purchasing transit".

If you're a settled peer with a network, then you pay the network you
pull traffic off x c/meg, and they pay you x c/meg for traffic they pull
off you.

If your traffic flows are symetrical, then you both win.

If they're not, well the network which pulls the most traffic pays up.

It works in Australia. Hell, even with our heavily inflated pipes compared
to you guys. And you are all bickering over this when if you DID this your
interconnect fee per megabyte in a settlement based peering arrangement WITH
the source network transiting the traffic to the 'local' point of the
receiving network would be way below < 0.01c/meg .

I might be naive, but if there are any other technical issues with what I've
suggested then please, point them out in a nice, clear fashion :slight_smile:

So if you're a web crawler generating lots of incoming traffic (because
thats what a webcrawler does, doesn't it? downloads pages for analysis?)
then it would PAY for the traffic IT uses. Not BE paid for the traffic it
uses. Only when this webcrawler database is put on line and it starts
to supply lots and lots of content will people want to peer with it, and
it would win in settled peering.

Adrian, finding it mildly entertaining that AU is screaming for a more US-like
internet setup, and how the US seem to be after what AU have already been and

>Again, as just one of hundreds of ideas, imagine that a web crawler house
>has the choice of updating their database once every 30 days or once every
>15 days. Now imagine they make the decision about this in light of the
>fact they get paid for additional traffic. So now they have an incentive
>to update their database more frequently. Wow, what a great service for
>the customer! And as a kicker, they make more money from settlements!


Updating more often == legitimate use and more suck traffic. Extended to
the extreme: imagine how much sucking traffic they can generate if they
wanted to update the database index entries for all 100 million (for
example) web sites they index every day. Users would be happy because
they would be using a very fresh index. Again, this is just one of many
ways to conveniently generate this much sucking traffic.

If they're not, well the network which pulls the most traffic pays up.

The examples provided were counter points to Michael Dillion's transaction
based settlement proposal where sucking networks earn money.

In the opposite direction, if I am interpreting your proposal correctly,
where pushing networks earn money, there are plenty of methods of
legitimately GENERATING additional traffic. For example, you could PAY
your web hosting clients based on the amount of traffic they generated.
This one reversal alone would generate a huge increase. They would have
an incentive to use large graphics, more graphics per page, video, sound,
continously updating pages, ad nauseum... (Plenty more legitimate ideas
where these came from.)

Transaction based settlements presume an inbalance in the value of a

There are plenty of ways to generate legitimate traffic in either
direction (suck or push) in any amount desired (facilitated in some cases
by paying the clients that generate it legitimately).

So traffic can be adjusted in the direction of positive revenue depending
on the polarity of a particular transaction based settlement scheme.

Incentivizing the generation of traffic for traffic's sake results in


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