Today's tech news highlights....

For your perusal:

Encarta to Test User Edit System
Vint Cerf Slams Net Phone Regulation
Study Finds Pervasive Chinese Internet Controls
Last-minute tax filers hit the Web
Vint Cerf: Hollywood interested in BitTorrent
Google's "Track by Number" Gizmo
South Korea Cracks Down on Online Porn
George Bush expresses e-mail privacy fears
Virus Writers have Girlfriends, too....
Entertainment industry doesn't like Grouper, new
  privacy-friendly P2P app
More Royal Brawn than Brains?
Comcast customer sues over disclosure
Polo Ralph Lauren confirms HSBC data security problem
Bogus blogs snare fresh victims
Comcast Suffers Three Outages In A Week
IBM announces $125m deal with UAE
Where's That Windows Media Player Update?
Study: Home workers "pose security risk"

For what it's worth, I've relocated the blog to:

so the site feed should work now. Comments welcome.


- ferg