Today's tech news highlights

For your perusal:

Murdoch urges editors to embrace Internet
It's official: ChoicePoint, LexisNexis privacy data
  compromised many times before
HSBC warns 180,000 over retailer's security breach
P2P Fuels Global Bandwidth Binge?
AOL extends AIM's enterprise interoperability
Tufts warns 106,000 alumni, donors of security breach
Cisco to Buy Switching Company Topspin for $250M
Web Censors In China Find Success
Internet casino buys monkey naming rights
Frozen polar waste gets Wi-Fi hotspot
Second Night of Outages Hit Comcast
CIA invests in wireless security
Cary Sherman of the RIAA speaks with college journalists
California goes to court to shut down major California-
  based spam operation
British banks to provide extra Web security
Worm attack forces Reuters IM offline
Study finds that ISPs may be blocking more e-mail than
  they are aware of...
Fortinet Under Fire for Allegedly Violating GPL Terms
Comcast Sued for Disclosing Customer Information

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- ferg