Timeouts Loading Major Websites

Is anyone else seeing sporadic timeouts trying to load major websites like Google or Facebook or SpeedTest.net? I'm seeing it come and go on both Frontier and Level3 on the east coast.

No issues on Frontier from Troy OH

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

Major storms across the east coast.



"the internet is on fire"

not as helpful a troublereport as one might want.

please provide at least (so everyone else can verify/help/troubleshoot):
  1) from location X
  2) site Y with protocol Z (which resolves to a.b.c.d currently)
  3) traceroute to siteY (address a.b.c.d)

otherwise... "sure major sites are slow, I also use a 300baud coupler modem
these days though...."

"the internet is on fire"

not as helpful a troublereport as one might want.

please provide at least (so everyone else can verify/help/troubleshoot):
  1) from location X
  2) site Y with protocol Z (which resolves to a.b.c.d currently)
  3) traceroute to siteY (address a.b.c.d)

In addition to providing useful debug info, there are some good places
to check:

    (an attempt at outage correlation based on NLNOG RING data)

    The Outages Archives
    (people (self-)reporting outages)

    (self-test websites from various vantage points)

otherwise... "sure major sites are slow, I also use a 300baud coupler
modem these days though...."

How did you know about the coupler? :slight_smile:

- Job