TIMELY - Volunteers needed to serve on ARIN 2021 Nominating Committee (was: [arin-announce] FINAL EXTENSION: Call for Volunteers for the 2021 Nomination Committee)

NANOGers -

Excuse the redistribution to this list but we’re in a bit of a situation over here at ARIN. Alas, ARIN needs to have sufficient volunteers to impanel our 2021 NomCom, and this has proved somewhat challenging.

We need some folks who are interested and willing to serve a brief half-year term on the committee so as to help develop the slate of candidates for ARIN’s Board and ARIN’s Advisory Council elections being held this fall.

If you want to help shape the leadership of ARIN and have a willingness to serve, please see the message below for specifics.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers