Time Warner Telecom problems

Gizmodo is reporting problems at Time Warner Telecom .... we're suffering
from it too and calls to the NOC have not been answered so far... does
anyone have any further information?


The current line is Level3 is currently having an issue where they have certain code versions of a certain router vendor deployed.

They haven't said anything yet, so it's still kind of sketchy.

L3 reported multiple links bouncing nationwide in the US approx 30 minutes
ago. Causing multiple IP issues.


Any idea where this information can be found publically?

I believe you are referring to Time Warner Cable. There is no such thing as Time Warner Telecom anymore.

If your an L3 transit customer you should be able to refer to event id
Not sure if they have published anything otherwise, it is still very early.

In our case we had to drop our L3 sessions until the storm passes.


I noticed just a little while ago that we're having a lot of DNS fail. Initial findings were that several of the root-servers we were trying to reach via our TWTelecom link were unreachable after 2 hops into TWT.

  4 64-128-130-233.static.twtelecom.NET ( 2.399 ms 2.298 ms 2.338 ms
  5 mia2-pr1-xe-1-3-0-0.us.twtelecom.net ( 11.571 ms 11.552 ms 9.467 ms
  6 * * *
  7 * * *
  8 * * *

For instance, a.root-servers.net is pingable from a rackspace server, but not from our network (unless I shut off TWT, at which point it is, but it's apparently not the same a.root-servers.net instance rackspace sees). I assume this is one of the root-servers being anycast.

Shutting off our BGP with TWT didn't appear to help (though the root-servers became reachable)...so I assume there's more going on than just TWT routing fail.

FWIW, my home TWC connection dropped this morning for about 15 minutes
(Southern California around 6:30AM'ish). Still could ping the default
gateway, but packets weren't traversing much beyond that.

Didn't investigate further, just headed into work.


Gizmodo is reporting problems at Time Warner Telecom .... we're suffering
from it too and calls to the NOC have not been answered so far... does
anyone have any further information?

Massive Time Warner Outage Hits the US

Actually, it looks to me like they mean "Time Warner", because that's
what they said.

The company once known as "Time Warner Telecom" has always been a
different entity, and hasn't been known as that in some time, now
being called "twtelecom." Much of that company is what was once
known as inc.net, a Milwaukee area provider of the '90's.

Time Warner Cable appears to have experienced an implosion this morning,
being out of service for about 11 minutes. During that time, packets
originating here in Milwaukee quickly died in Chicago;

1 8.320 ms 9.900 ms 7.974 ms
2 7.967 ms 5.975 ms 8.479 ms
3 8.471 ms 7.969 ms 10.991 ms
4 9.972 ms 9.973 ms 9.985 ms
5 * * *
6 * * *

while packets destined for RR all seemed to be headed out to SJC, from
what I can tell.

... JG

Joe Greco wrote the following on 11/7/2011 9:54 AM:

Gizmodo is reporting problems at Time Warner Telecom .... we're suffering
from it too and calls to the NOC have not been answered so far... does
anyone have any further information?

Massive Time Warner Outage Hits the US

Actually, it looks to me like they mean "Time Warner", because that's
what they said.

The company once known as "Time Warner Telecom" has always been a
different entity, and hasn't been known as that in some time, now
being called "twtelecom." Much of that company is what was once
known as inc.net, a Milwaukee area provider of the '90's.

Time Warner Cable appears to have experienced an implosion this morning,
being out of service for about 11 minutes. During that time, packets
originating here in Milwaukee quickly died in Chicago;

Using the looking glass from TWtelecom, we saw 30-60min outage (roughly 8:30AM to 9:30AM CST) between the Kansas City location and our own server room in Kansas City. Other TWtelecom locations appeared to be unaffected. Perhaps TWtelecom is served by Timewarner or shares equipment in KC. Either way, none of our KC customers who were served via TWtelecom or Timewarner were able to reach us. Packets would hit Level 3 Communications and die in either direction at the border between L3 and TW. FWIW, TW was showing a good BGP route to us and vise versa.

FWIW, We saw issues here in Indianapolis between TWTC and L3 up until a few minutes ago.

--Thomas York

It's just TW Telecom now.
